Let's see your LJ's!


Expedition Leader
Compared to the cost of most forced air kits I've seen, $3k doesn't seem too bad. I'm very interested in highway gas mileage as well.


New member
Are you running it with the new intercooler system as well? Did you do anything extra from what comes in the base kit?

Not yet, I'm waiting for its release. The only changes I did was add a new aluminum radiator and electric fan because I had a leak on my factory set up.


New member
That kit is calling my name. I'm wondering if it will get me better mileage?? $3000 seems a bit steep but if it does what it says it could be worth it...

This is always a tough question answer. Simple answer is yes. What I find myself doing is driving more aggressively, I'm able to keep up with traffic both on the highway and streets. With this change in driving style I haven't lost any MPG's.

Yuman Desert Rat

Expedition Leader
I figured. I drive with a light foot so I'm guessing id have a considerable improvement in MPG's? I'm getting 10-12 right now. What do you average?

G Beasley

sawzall surgeon



Heres a few from around the country of my LJ .

Ryan Matthes

Adventurer and Explorer
I haven't seen a tub-mounted rack before...who makes it?

It is by Bestop - sold various places, found the best deal on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032HC0TM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1.

I like it alright - I needed a solution for an already built roof rack "platform" I built years ago. I had trips lined up starting in April and needed a way to get the rack into use. It is made of Aluminum (good quality), easy to put on and take off, and was the perfect height for my light bar. I wouldn't put an RTT up there, but I have put 4 loaded Front Runner Wolf Packs and a Thule Box up there and it did great.


Expedition Leader
At Atigun Pass on the Dalton Highway 10 days ago. It was snowing up there. Drove the LJ from NY, up the Alaska Highway to Fairbanks, then up the Dalton to Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean.


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