...I know there has been some advancement in Li-ion tech, but Id have to see some serious testing of these particular packs before I spent any money on them.
I hope to do enough testing to have an answer for what they are capable of doing. My rationale was that at the very least I would file this in the pocket of the solar panels and use it for electronic devices (laptop, cell phone, tablet, gaming, etc..)
In the mean time have a chance to put it through its paces and see if it really could be a back up plan for a rig with a dead battery. My truck already has dual batteries isolated from each other and via switch paralleled. That is my back up plan.
That Mustang had been driven that morning to the local fire station where we tested it. The engine was cold, conditions cold. The XP-1 was somewhat warm as it was in the interior of my truck which would put it at 50F or more. I am thinking that "V-6" may be the key here. Lower compression. Gear reduction starter. Easy once over good , start. Motorcycles should be easy.
I had been watching several Lithium battery hacks. Laptop batteries tied together to make booster packs. not my thing, but got me into this direction.
Solar panel works just fine to charge up the Antigravity XP-1
I had to add a power port to the panel for charging an accessory like this. That should also allow me to plug another panel into the equation. Just a big junction block for the batteries. Kind funny to see the old school fuse inline, but that was what was already there
Not a real world test as the battery was not down much. The panel is inside getting only partial sunlight from the window. Still , it topped off in a few minutes.