Lithium Jump Packs


Part time fulltimer
Can anyone tell me why Antigravity says you cannot use the jumper clamps to power anything or it will fry the unit? Is it something in the circuitry between the jumper clamps and the unit?

I am thinking it would be cool to be able to just clamp mine onto the terminals of an inverter and use it for light duty stuff rather than lugging around a lead acid battery for same. Not a bunch of amps, light duty.


Expedition Leader
I think they don't want any power back feeding into the jumper via jumper cables. I wouldn't run an inverter. It has USB ports so if you need something more than USB. I would use a real battery.

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Expedition Leader
Idk but it's the one I went with. They even make regular batteries. After looking at their website. I went with them

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New member
I have the anti gravity xp-10 and my wife has the pps. They are awesome little jump packs. We used both of them for starting a couple trucks when it was below 0 a few weeks back. They both seem very capable but the xp-10 started the truck much easier than the pps. We also use them a lot for charging phones when we don't want to be tied to a wall charger. From what I have noticed the xp-10 will roughly double the amount of phone charges of the pps. I have friends that work in shops that use both on a daily basis and they claim to have jumped multiple v8's on a single charge and even power stroke diesels on the pps. I personally like having a little extra juice when I need it so I don't mind the extra size of the xp-10.

Also toyo is right, juice flowing back from a charging system to the jump pack is a good way to fry it, which is why they say to disconnect it within 30 seconds of the vehicle starting. I have also wondered about hooking the cables up to a small inverter to run non USB items but haven't decided if it's a good idea or a bad mistake...
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So, what about installing one of these jump starters as a full time starting battery, which can be conveniently located somewhere other than the battery tray, and said tray can then be filled with a deep cycle/house battery.
Any merits/pitfalls to this idea? I guess it should be charged with, and hard-wired to, an on-board inverter? Can it handle high under-hood temperatures?
Might a be a silly idea but just thought I'd throw it out there.

Mark K

I think you would kill it rather quickly. The system needs electricity and it would be inadequate I would think.


Expedition Leader
Would the alternator be wired to the house battery? You would have to kill the connection to the jump pack after it starts. The alternator still needs a battery as well as the vehicle to run all the 12v equipment.

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Oh, yes, right, good points. Like I said, "might be a silly idea".
Actually, should've said, "here is totally a silly idea".

The thing is, I've been researching LiFePO4 battery tech for quite a while, and although the potential seems very high, it's still hard to see exactly the best way to implement it in expedition vehicle (sensitive charge/discharge rates and voltages, etc.).
So, basically, I was lazily throwing "stuff" at the wall, and seeing if anything stuck....

Mark K

Some of the greatest discoveries came from an idiot having his beer held for him.

Maybe you had $10,000 scotch.


Expedition Leader
Didn't say it was a bad idea. Just trying to figure out how it would be wired up or more details on your idea.

Imo i just run a single 7 year warranty die hard platinum battery for everything. Carry a jump pack incase i kill it. Don't see the need to run two batteries. Imo I think it's just a expo trend and almost everyone can run a single battery. I rather abuse one battery and get it replaced free of charge if I can kill it in a few years.

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I've got the powerall but they all seem to share the funny little plug for the jumpers.

Does anyone know what the plug is called? I want to power some leds.




New member
So, what about installing one of these jump starters as a full time starting battery, which can be conveniently located somewhere other than the battery tray, and said tray can then be filled with a deep cycle/house battery.
Any merits/pitfalls to this idea? I guess it should be charged with, and hard-wired to, an on-board inverter? Can it handle high under-hood temperatures?
Might a be a silly idea but just thought I'd throw it out there.

i think it is not a good idea, because after 10-20 crankings, the battery power is not enough.


billylee, but it will be re-charged in between jumpings, because it will be plugged in to a charger that will be hard-wired to an inverter (which is ultimately charged by the alternator).
I have always thought the "10-20 crankings" number was for a single charge, but I could of course be wrong.

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