Little Guy


SE Expedition Society
Well... how did the newly improved trailer work out????

Where did yall go?
Everything was perfect.
We camped at the first spot on fs-58 as you head in off Doublehead Gap; it has a huge swimming hole.
A Capt and his wife from Ft Merrill were in the site next to us with Lisa's little Scamp trailer (it was really cool); I'm pretty sure they're hooked on the lifestyle and will be ExPo members shortly.
They had two friendly dogs and Jessi had a ball.
Jason and I tied one on pretty good...

Woke this morning, had breakfast, got a fire going. Perfect weather.
Then I noticed the bushes moving by the river ----- it was a bear.
Pretty freakin' awesome, our first bear visit in this area.
We watched for a while and then Jessi woke up and scared the poor thing half to death and it scrambled away.


SE Expedition Society


Well-known member
Bill, that looks good. Questions for you. What size is that propane tank and where did you get the tank bracket?


SE Expedition Society
Latest update.

We went camping over the weekend up on Lake Chatuge. It was pretty hot and the fridge compressor was on more than usual --- almost like the NC Overland Rally/Workshop.
I measured 12.6V on the batteries when we left; with about 2.5 hours of charging off the 180 amp alternator on the way home, they were back up over 13V back in the garage.
I have the fridge plugged in on the D/C circuit and A/C so that it switches when the charger is plugged in. Got home and plugged in the shore power; the Elixir charger started to beep again, signalling failure. It's only supposed to beep as a warning if the D/C circuit is overloaded.
I emailed Scott, he said he was sorry, and he's going to send a different brand of charger.

Also of note. The nylock nut on my Max Coupler got loose and the hole on the Max is elongated. I have to contact Martyn and let him know. I need few new parts and will have to use my lunette & pintle for a while.


I've decided that before I buy anything in my life ever again I am going to have you test it before I buy it. If it has any chance to go wrong it will with you.


SE Expedition Society
I heard back from Martyn.

The Max Coupler was shipped to Little Guy --- and they lost/misplaced the crush sleeve. That left too much slop and it was inevitable that it failed.
Much to Max's credit, it did hold together for close to 5,000 miles of use.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Martyn/Mario/Clint already have replacement parts on the way; awesomeness in action.

Bill, when you get the parts assemble them this way:


Above is an overview of the parts you should receive (you already have the yoke).


Slip one of the large ID washers on to the bolt followed by a fiber washer. Slip the crush sleeve onto the bolt and up into the fiber washer and Large ID washer.


Insert the bolt assembly into the yoke.


Place the remaining fiber washer and large ID washer onto the bolt below the yoke.

This complete assembly is placed into your drawer bar and is held in place using the regular 1" washer and nylock.

Tighten the nylock up until there is enough resistance on the yoke that it can just be turned on the drawer bar. There is no torque spec for this, it's done by feel. The assembly should not be loose on the drawer bar, but tight enough to require some effort to rotate when moved by hand. There should be at least 3 threads clearly visible below the nylock.
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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Thanks, Martyn.

Threadlock too? Or is that overkill?

I thought you were steaming to the UK already...

Bill, you can use threadlock if you want, it's overkill but may give you peace of mind.

I'm in the UK right now, surprisingly they have internet, flushing toilets, and electricity. Now if only they could work on the weather :sombrero:

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
What hardness is the 1" bolt?
In my neck of the woods all grade 8 bolts are yellow / orange im color.
Also I would drill a hole for a cotter pin in the three exposed threads below as a safety precaution.

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