Locker / Gear setup...


I've never heard of that before. The transfer case just sends power to one or both of your axles, so whether it is full time or part time 4 wheel drive, or even an always-on all wheel drive like in a Scooby, it does basically one job and does it well.

It's a Toyota thing, you wouldn't understand. :D

A lot of vehicles that have full time 4wd systems have a center diff lock or a transfer case lock. Basically it keeps the front and rear ends locked together instead of giving a little slip so they don't bind up while you are on the highway in full time.

I had a guy in a Land Cruiser once try to tell me how much better his rig was because he had a center diff lock. I just looked at him and smiled.

Back OT. Another situation that a LSD or a full time locker can get you into real trouble. Snowy or muddy side hills. They have a tendency to pull you downhill and there isn't much you can do about it.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
NV231 is locked as soon as it is moved into 4x4 mode (low or high).

NV242 has 4x4 mode without center lock (full-time) in addition to the NV231 locked modes.

So what you are saying is that when you shift into 4x4 it engages at that moment? I'm getting confused.


Thus is my consideration to figure out actually how many lockers does one need... I've never driven a rig with lockers, so dont really know the difference.

I've been able to get around where i've gone at this point without lockers, so now I am thinking AM I really going to get that much further / better with lockers... :)

I guess it's all a matter of what you are trying to accomplish and where you are planning on going. We all have different needs, wants and desires as far as where we want to go.

I hate Hate HATE seeing a road that looks like it goes somewhere interesting and not feeling comfortable with my rig getting me there.

When I built my XJ I did it knowing it's not going to see Moab's hardest buggy trails but I wanted it to be as capable as possible and still have good street manners and driveability. My idea of the perfect set up is probably far different than yours or anyone elses.

What type of terrain do you travel on mostly? What size tires are you running or planning on running? I know you probably covered this earlier in the thread but it kind of got sidetracked there for a bit.


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
Back OT. Another situation that a LSD or a full time locker can get you into real trouble. Snowy or muddy side hills. They have a tendency to pull you downhill and there isn't much you can do about it.

Cali is pretty dry and when I'm in the sand of the desert I like how the locker tracks me straight and true.


So what you are saying is that when you shift into 4x4 it engages at that moment? I'm getting confused.

You have a differential between your 2 front tires.

You have a differential between your 2 rear tires.

Full time 4wd (All wheel drive) adds a differential type device between your front tires and your rear tires. Some full time transfer cases, ie the 242, allow you to lock the front and rear tires together (lock out the differential device) for use on dirt, snow, ice, etc.

Part time 4wd locks your front tires and your rear tires together. It should not be engaged on dry pavement.

Cal Tuttle

New member
It was the So Cal Chapter that turned me sour. I am good friends with kartsic and have nothing but good to say about guys like djblade, gsequoia, cal, goatman, kyung, johhny and a few others. I have read with much interest the posts of Dr Moab and IntrepidXJ in the Adventure section.

Unfortunately the "Black Sheep Crew" are allowed to run wild and unchecked on the So Cal Chapter forum and they stand for everything that is wrong with the "outlaw" side of offroading.

Drinking and driving is my biggest pet peeve with offroaders. On my very first NAXJA run there was a drunken night run. When I inquired as to why it was allowed I was told it was OK because it was not an officially sanctioned NAXJA event. It was my last NAXJA run.
This video was shot of the Black Sheep Crew in the San Bernardino National Forest. The camp host had to call the rangers. Shortly after the video ended a drunken night run commenced that lasted until daylight(mainly because they got lost)
And then......

Reply 74. It was reported and nothing was done.

It was the last time I will have anything to do with NAXJA.


Please do not take this the wrong way, but as someone who has almost nothing to do with Naxja you are entirely unqualified to state that nothing was done about the BSC situation.

Do you know why that group called themselves the 'Black Sheep Crew'? It was because they had already been informed that behavoir and attitude was unwelcome within Naxja, so they took their ball and went home.

That thread was handled poorly, and eventually a moderator lost his powers and was replaced over it - but the situation was addressed by the club, out of the general publics eyes, where such business belongs. (Naxja is after all a club that has a forum, and not just a website like so many other 'clubs' are).

For a couple of years now you have been slandering Naxja offline and online, over a single event (or perhaps 2-3 in a short time frame) by a group of people who went out of their way to affiliate themselves *NOT* with Naxja, and over a brief period of poor moderation in one out of 30 or so subforums.

When I joined Naxja in 2004, I found a tight family of Cherokee owners who enjoyed camping and wheeling together. Some years later the club started to lose that, and following sound advice I was given as a child:

"If you don't like how something works, fix it.".

I am now in my second term as a club director and the SoCal Vice President.

I don't expect you to run out, join the club and start running for offices, but if you aren't prepared to at minimum start by submitting something the chapter or national board of directors for Naxja, please stop crying to the rest of the world.

As for others comments that Naxja has a lot of younger and more mouthy members in tech these days, I'll have to concede that is true.. and as long as no one sticks around to set a good example, that is what people are likely to see, too. :/


ps: EP guys, please forgive me for intruding on your forum here, this just really needed to be addressed some time and some place, it ended up being here.


I've never heard of that before. The transfer case just sends power to one or both of your axles, so whether it is full time or part time 4 wheel drive, or even an always-on all wheel drive like in a Scooby, it does basically one job and does it well. Unless there is more to it than that.....

I usually keep it in 2wd most of the time too. Going up that mountain having 4x4 made things easier, and going down having 4L was a big help because then I wasn't riding the brake the whole time.

Well, from "some" research that I've done, I guess transfer cases can send power to only one axle at time, giving you only a part time option of 4x4, correct??? (i might be wrong)... but some have an actual LOCK lever for their transfer case to LOCK that in, and having lockers in both axles, that gives one a TRUE 4x4 option...

I guess its almost like transfer case "locker" option, since from what I understand most transfer cases are setup for the LSD option... where sometimes they dont lock both axles.


NV231 is locked as soon as it is moved into 4x4 mode (low or high).

NV242 has 4x4 mode without center lock (full-time) in addition to the NV231 locked modes.

I thought I had a NP231 transfer case in mine... (Or is there another?) since I dont have an option on the lever for the part-time/full-time... its just 2HI/4HI/4LO and thats it...


I thought I had a NP231 transfer case in mine... (Or is there another?) since I dont have an option on the lever for the part-time/full-time... its just 2HI/4HI/4LO and thats it...

That is a 231. The 242 has a 2hi, 4fulltime, 4 part time and 4lo (which by the way has a center "diff lock" although they don't call it that.)



You call me a slanderer and then collaborate what I posted?

You say something was done out of the general publics eyes yet it was me who was attacked and not only did you failed to inform me that you had taken action, but you left the post. It is still there today some 5 months later and the BSC continue to post.

Feel free to call me anytime (562) 691-3321 if you want to discuss this further.

Back to the regularly scheduled topic.


It's a Toyota thing, you wouldn't understand. :D

A lot of vehicles that have full time 4wd systems have a center diff lock or a transfer case lock. Basically it keeps the front and rear ends locked together instead of giving a little slip so they don't bind up while you are on the highway in full time.

I had a guy in a Land Cruiser once try to tell me how much better his rig was because he had a center diff lock. I just looked at him and smiled.

Back OT. Another situation that a LSD or a full time locker can get you into real trouble. Snowy or muddy side hills. They have a tendency to pull you downhill and there isn't much you can do about it.

Well, I guess this is where one should keep his options open as far as axle lockers / center diff lock... I believe in most cases (Toyos/Lexus & other) that is a selectable option, and used in low speed /off-road.


I guess it's all a matter of what you are trying to accomplish and where you are planning on going. We all have different needs, wants and desires as far as where we want to go.

I hate Hate HATE seeing a road that looks like it goes somewhere interesting and not feeling comfortable with my rig getting me there.

When I built my XJ I did it knowing it's not going to see Moab's hardest buggy trails but I wanted it to be as capable as possible and still have good street manners and driveability. My idea of the perfect set up is probably far different than yours or anyone elses.

What type of terrain do you travel on mostly? What size tires are you running or planning on running? I know you probably covered this earlier in the thread but it kind of got sidetracked there for a bit.

I am not wheeling my rig much at all...

I've got 33 KM's on it now, and dont really plan to go any bigger then that.

Most of my driving (like it comfy as well)... Daily Driver... but for most part it sits in the garage until I head up into hills where its gravel roads with some "hard" terrain (overgrown & abandoned roads), some nasty trails here and there...

If you look at one of my last trips to snow (youtube video link)... you'll see where I've diagonally flexed out and really needed them lockers there... definitely would not have had to use winch at that time...


Part time 4wd locks your front tires and your rear tires together. It should not be engaged on dry pavement.

So a 231 would be the one with center diff lock? Since I dont like how it "hops" and acts funny on dry pavement...

(just tried it on my parking lot at home - never actually driven it on highway in 4HI)


So a 231 would be the one with center diff lock? Since I dont like how it "hops" and acts funny on dry pavement...

(just tried it on my parking lot at home - never actually driven it on highway in 4HI)

There is no center diff on a 231. You don't have full time 4wd so there is no need for a center diff. On a 242 which gives you the ability to drive on the freeway you would have a center diff. Switching from 4 full time to 4 part time would effectively "lock" the center diff. Jeep just doesn't call it that.


There is no center diff on a 231. You don't have full time 4wd so there is no need for a center diff. On a 242 which gives you the ability to drive on the freeway you would have a center diff. Switching from 4 full time to 4 part time would effectively "lock" the center diff. Jeep just doesn't call it that.

So would you say that 242 is better then 231 then?

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