I agree with you Ryan - I only visit the SoCal section of NAXJA...I hardly ever visit other areas, besides the "Adventure Forum" and sometimes the national "For Sale" area. I have found that the guys in my local section are awesome and knowledgable and definitely range in fact we just had a thread on ages
It was the So Cal Chapter that turned me sour. I am good friends with kartsic and have nothing but good to say about guys like djblade, gsequoia, cal, goatman, kyung, johhny and a few others. I have read with much interest the posts of Dr Moab and IntrepidXJ in the Adventure section.
Unfortunately the "Black Sheep Crew" are allowed to run wild and unchecked on the So Cal Chapter forum and they stand for everything that is wrong with the "outlaw" side of offroading.
Drinking and driving is my biggest pet peeve with offroaders. On my very first NAXJA run there was a drunken night run. When I inquired as to why it was allowed I was told it was OK because it was not an officially sanctioned NAXJA event. It was my last NAXJA run.
This video was shot of the Black Sheep Crew in the San Bernardino National Forest. The camp host had to call the rangers. Shortly after the video ended a drunken night run commenced that lasted until daylight(mainly because they got lost)
And then......
Reply 74. It was reported and nothing was done.
It was the last time I will have anything to do with NAXJA.