"Lola" - WreckDiver1321's 2005 Frontier CC/SB Nismo Build and Adventure Thread


Damn..Im either a week early or week late haha

Going to Moab, meeting Ben, running TOTW as he never has. Then a bit of Golden spike. Headed back to the Maze to stay at Cleopatra chair, High spur and hiking Horseshoe canyon, then to Millard. After that, headed into Arches to the delicate arch and there are two basic trails in there to check out too.

Short and sweet, easy driving, lots of hiking hopefully. Should be fun.

Well damn that sounds like so much fun. I've yet to make it to Moab, and TOTW and Arches are both really high on my list. I've wanted to do more desert this year so bad. Might do the UTBDR this year. Thanks for asking me though! I would have loved to if I could have.

Sounds like such a blast man. Have extra fun for me. I'd say take a lot of photos, but I know that's a waste of breath :D

Talk to Steve at Rugged Rocks to help realize your vision. I blew my rear E-Locker and while I decided to stick with replacing it with another E-Locker, I did purchase it from him, along with a set of 3.73 gears for my M226 in the rear and my newly acquired M205 that is going in the front. The budget would not allow for dual ARB air lockers at this time....though who know what the future may hold. I spent a couple weeks trying to decide between the 3.37 and the 4.10 gears and at the end of the day I looked at where the majority of our adventures have taken us, how well the Xterra has dealt with offroading so far, and where (and how far) we plan to travel in the future and went with the 3.73's. Steve was amazing to deal with, I talked to him on the phone a number of times and he never once tried to sell me on anything I did not require. His experience with the Nissan platform is unmatched and his attention to customer service is fantastic.

I agree, Steve is the man!
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I completed a little project today that was a lot of fun for me despite how minor it was. I used to work in a friend's custom fab shop, doing minor metal work. I don't hardly do any these days but I really enjoy it when I do, even if it's a really small job like this one.

Recently, I was looking for my small off road shovel in my garage. I couldn't find it for the life of me. I looked for like an hour. Finally, deciding it wasn't worth my time to keep looking, I bought a new one for $15 during a recent Lowe's run. Then I realized I didn't actually have a good place to keep it in my truck. I didn't have a mount for it, and to be honest I had the old shovel banging around in the back of the truck for most of the previous two years. So I hatched a plan to build a shovel mount, since I was doing some work in the back of the truck anyway (cleaning and greasing the drawer system).


First, I picked up a piece of 1 1/2" flat stock from Home Depot, then tried in vain to find a couple of Quick Fists around town. Cabela's used to carry them, but not anymore it seems. So I had to order them from Amazon instead. I also stopped by Ace and picked up 2 1/2" x 1" carriage bolts with matching wing nuts, and waited. My plan was to build a mount that attached to my Hi-Lift and held the shovel next to and slightly below it.


Once I had all the parts in, I went out in the garage today and started working. I first cut the flat stock into two 6 1/2" pieces, knowing they would be trimmed a little, the the shorter length helped me mock everything up. I did some measuring and drilled a 9/16" hole on one end.


Once I cleaned that up, I used zip ties to temporarily mount the Quick Fists and play around with where the shovel would mount. I used the carriage bolts to mount the flat stock to the staff of the jack. They work perfectly for this duty, because carriage bolts have a square shoulder on them, like this.


This little shoulder actually keeps them from spinning in the holes in the jack, which allowed me to use a regular wing nut on one side without having to hold the bolt.


After fiddling around with the mounting I ended up deciding that mounting above the shovel would be a lot better, so I changed the plan a bit. After another run to Ace to get hardware to attach the Quick Fists, I did a little more measuring and drilled some 1/4" holes to mount them.



I did another test fit and liked what I saw, so I removed the Quick Fists and cut the brackets down to the correct length before cleaning up the holes and the edges.


Once that was done, I had all the parts for my shovel mounts.



I couldn't resist, so I threw them on the jack staff with the shovel to see how they would look when everything was all finished. The brackets are very simple, but look pretty good in my opinion.



And they hold the shovel really rock solid. Couldn't ask for better.


They only took about an hour to do and I'm really happy with the result, considering they only cost me about $30 and very little time. It's a simple little project, but it put a big smile on my face seeing the final result. Just what I was looking for! Also, if I ever need to, I can just unbolt the Hi-Lift and pull both out of the truck together if it looks like it's going to be a lengthy recovery.


Pretty happy with them. Once I was done taking photos, I pulled them off and sanded them down. Just waiting for warm weather to get them painted and they'll be done.
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The Moose
Wow very stout shovel mount.......
I took the cheap easy way out (insert crude joke here) and just used a bungee cord to secure my shovel to my hi-lift jack.


I have my shovel mounted almost the exact same way but on the utilitrack on the opposite side of the bed from the hilift. Totally going to copy this.


Neat idea. My shovel is jammed under the rooftop tent right now, and bunjeed to the roof rails. I sure like that setup though.

Sent from the Mountains


Awesome idea! Was just curious (don't feel like sifting through the entire thread) how you mounted the hi lift to the utilitrack? That's a perfect place to stow it.


New member
Awesome idea! Was just curious (don't feel like sifting through the entire thread) how you mounted the hi lift to the utilitrack? That's a perfect place to stow it.

I'm pretty sure he made his own mount, but you can also buy a set through Nisstec made by Heps Designs.


Wow very stout shovel mount.......
I took the cheap easy way out (insert crude joke here) and just used a bungee cord to secure my shovel to my hi-lift jack.

Yeah I'm pretty pleased with it. When it's all mounted up it doesn't move at all.

I used to use the bungee-to-the-Hilift method. I like this one though :D

I have my shovel mounted almost the exact same way but on the utilitrack on the opposite side of the bed from the hilift. Totally going to copy this.

Copy away! I see you already did though haha.

Neat idea. My shovel is jammed under the rooftop tent right now, and bunjeed to the roof rails. I sure like that setup though.

Sent from the Mountains

It was very cheap and really easy to make, and really solid. I just painted it yesterday so hopefully I can get it installed this afternoon along with all the other stuff I'm doing.

Awesome idea! Was just curious (don't feel like sifting through the entire thread) how you mounted the hi lift to the utilitrack? That's a perfect place to stow it.

I used a couple of 1/2" carriage bolts, a handful of washers, a few 1/2" nuts, and two wing nuts. Really cheap and easy to do, and it's held the Hi-Lift for two years now.

Come on! we drive Nissans, we don't need no stink'n shovels and hi-lifts :D

Cool idea! :)

Haha you say that....

Thanks, I'm pleased with it.

I'm pretty sure he made his own mount, but you can also buy a set through Nisstec made by Heps Designs.

Indeed I did.


In other news, I passed the Technician and General class tests for my ham radio license this morning. Just gotta wait for my callsign to show up from the FCC. Woohoo!

Now I have more stuff to buy for my truck...


In other news, I passed the Technician and General class tests for my ham radio license this morning. Just gotta wait for my callsign to show up from the FCC. Woohoo!

Now I have more stuff to buy for my truck...
Congratulations. That is really a cool accomplishment. Do you get to choose a call sign, 'cause if you could get "Maverick" that would be the bomb.

Sent from the Mountains


Expedition Leader
Congrats man! Mine is probably coming due to expire soon lol is it good for 10yrs or 15? I can't remember.


Dr. Frankenstein
Well damn that sounds like so much fun. I've yet to make it to Moab, and TOTW and Arches are both really high on my list. I've wanted to do more desert this year so bad. Might do the UTBDR this year. Thanks for asking me though! I would have loved to if I could have.

Sounds like such a blast man. Have extra fun for me. I'd say take a lot of photos, but I know that's a waste of breath

Yea it was fun!

Blew and axle seal...but got it fixed due to awesome friends in the area in 48 hours. Was back in the Maze before long.

UTBDR is cool! You'll want to by pass the Rosegarden hill spot but that's it really.

TOTW is getting tore the hell up. Even since i ran it in Oct its more tore up. Getting bad.

2050 miles, 1157 photos. Was good time!

In other news, I passed the Technician and General class tests for my ham radio license this morning. Just gotta wait for my callsign to show up from the FCC. Woohoo!

Now I have more stuff to buy for my truck...

Good man!

I need to get my General..but haven't found the need until i get a HiFi radio..

More money indeed. I have 4 Ham radios how ha and gadgets for them..antennas...many things.

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