I say this sort of thing ALL THE TIME, and it's a major contributor in my decision to not make babies.
but virtually nobody chooses to agree with me that our biggest environmental concern, effectively the only one that matters... is in our pants.
All the tree hugging in the world won't undo the damage done by 2 people in one act, if that act leads a child, who now needs a mountain of plastic toys, who needs you to cut down more wilderness to make a bigger house and then later wants a house of his or her own and cars and now they need to make more babies, repeat
But this fact (I don't even call it an opinion) is highly unpopular, even angers people and it seems most folks choose to pretend it's not a problem. I even heard a Sedona homeowner say the 4x4 trails mess up the view from her house!
If you ask me, environmentalists should be lobbying for subsidized voluntary sterilization, birth control and "wait 'till you're 25 to breed" campaigns before they start on anything else.
Now on the topic of this video... I know it's not much... but should we start making "Responsible Outdoorsmanship" videos and posting GOOD examples on youtube? We may not get a million views since we won't be WOOO HOOO TEARIN SH UP!!! but at least some good PR is positive, right?