Looking for a new medical kit


OverCamping Specialist
My main one is an old REI backpacking one I have had since the early 90s, time to retire it.

I have a home made one which consists of just band-aids, band-aid scissors (from my parents probably circa 1965 or older, but in perfect shape), some insect bite stuff.

I need a new kit, and I have had my eye on the Adventure Medical Kits.

The one that looks like it will fill my need is the Mountain Weekender.


Good video too.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv7mwyf8t1U"]YouTube - Mountain Series by Adventure Medical Kits[/ame]

I am trained in first aid and CPR via Boeing, and I have my card.
We get free training on this stuff at work which is nice, and then get recertified when it is time again.

The description for this kit is:

* 72 Hour Home Emergency Kit
* Backcountry Trips
* Camping
* Hiking / Backpacking
* RV / Car / Camper

I would fall in the latter category.
Does this sound like a good kit for the money?
Retail is $60.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Adventure-Medical-Kits-Weekender-Kit/dp/B000G7YIL4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1284574507&sr=8-1"]Amazon has it for $45 right now[/ame].


El Gringo Spectacular!
I've been very pleased with AMK. I have the Fundamentals, Comprehensive, and Mountain Medic II kits. With only small additions, mostly to meet some WEMT level protocols, they've been great kits.



OverCamping Specialist
Thanks, I just ordered that one.
I also saw the blood clot packs there, but did not order one yet.
They had two sizes, and I need to read up on them more first.

Should have the kit Friday.
Going to be like Christmas Friday, the medical kit and the new silverware both come.


OverCamping Specialist
The kit came yesterday, very nice.
Everything inside is indeed labeled for the type of situation you might run across.

I briefly read the included book as outlined in the video above while in bed yesternight.
The book alone is a valuable resource.

It is a nice kit, but not much room in it to add more stuff to it.
The only things I really want to add is a blood clotting pack, and some [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Benadryl-Extra-Strength-Anti-Itch-Cream/dp/B0019RIRJY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1284849911&sr=1-1"]Benadryl Extra Strength Anti-Itch Cream[/ame].
I have used the cream on insect bites, and it goes to work immediately.

I feel the kit was worth the $45 from Amazon.
There were two left when I ordered mine, now there are 13 more in stock.
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Adventure-Medical-Kits-Weekender-Kit/product-reviews/B000G7YIL4/ref=cm_cr_dp_all_summary?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending"]The reviews are pretty good on it[/ame].

Dave Bennett

I highly recommend the AMK line for those wanting an off the shelf solution ( I build my personal kits from scratch though).

Well thought out and lightweight.


Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
I've had a relationship with AMK for our local mountain bike business for a few years. Great people and very well thought out products. My suggestion would be to purchase one of their more comprehensive kits, but go into it knowing you'll probably have to customize it a tad for your needs and abilities as an impromptu medic.

Another thing I'd point out - many of these kits are designed to treat a single injury maybe once or twice. Say you get a gnarly gash on your shin. Most kits will have supplies to treat that injury for a day or two, but not beyond. So, you can usually treat one bad burn, one bad cut, etc.

Another thing worth pointing out is the lifespan of a good kit. Many of the supplies in most kits don't live beyond a couple years. Usually, it's about 25% of the value of a kit that will need to be replaced after a couple years.


I ordered one of these kits for the Jeep and trailer today. Have health care flex spending that I need to use by the end of the year and First Aid kits are covered. Excited to see how it is put together. I got the comprehensive kit.


OverCamping Specialist
The book alone that comes with the kit is worth the $$$.
Very compact book that stores in the kit, and chock full of back country/wilderness first aid tips.


I have a variety of the AMK kits, one in each bag, a larger one in the truck. They're pretty well though out and though I've added various bits to each over time, they have most of what you need. The book that comes with most of them is a nice extra.
I carry separate severe trauma kits (think gunshots, loss of limbs) which include hemostatic agents etc. If you're going to carry hemostatics, please get some training in their proper use. Most Red Cross type classes won't go near them or tourniquets etc.


New member
Medical kit

It is must to have a personalized medical always in home.Recently i buy my individula operator kit with the following:

2 Tactical Defender Gloves, Large, OD
1 Bolin Chest Seal
1 Halo Seal (2/pkg)
2 Primed Compressed Gauze
1 Olaes Modular Bandage, 4"
1 SOF Tactical Tourniquet Wide, 1.5"
2 Decompression Needle, 14g x 3.25"
1 Naso Airway, 28Fr
1 Surgilube, 3gr
1 Duct Tape
1 EMT Shears, 7.5"
1 Triage Card
1 Tactical Combat Casualty Response Card
1 TMK-IO Pouch


My basic first aid kit consists of a mix of AMK stuff and stuff I put together myself. It weighs 5.5 ounces, including the nylon container/case, which also holds other small stuff I don't want to lose at the bottom of my pack, such as my wrench and files for my ice tools, cigarette lighter, duct tape, firestarting kit, and pocket knife.

My basic first aid kit consists of the following stuff, although I will sometimes add or subtract items depending on the type and length of trip: (top to bottom, left to right)

2 Aloksack waterproof bags (protects the contents and can be used for mxing up a sterile solution for irrigating wounds)
Band Aid blister dressings (Sold in Europe as “Compeed” dressings,) these are the best blister protection there is. They go directly over the blister, cushioning and protecting)
Dermabond surgical glue (basically, superglue formulated without chemicals that irritate skin)
Proxi strips (for closing wounds, better adhesion than butterfly strips)
Sterile military trauma dressing (unfolds to 6" x 6"; for big wounds and major bleeding; can double as a sling)
2 band aids
2 Sterile Gauze Pads
Celox clotting agent (for stopping major bleeding) For a serious wound, application of direct pressure may be inadequate to stem the blood flow, particularly if an artery has been compromised. Celox is a quick clotting agent that can help to get blood flow staunched.
Morphine tablets oxicodone tablets, and vicodin tablets (for SERIOUS pain)
Ibuprophin (relieves swelling associated with sprains and the like)
Buffered aspirin (best all around analgesic, helps to combat altitude sickness, and improves circulation.)
Small roll of 1" medical tape (hundreds of uses)
Small bottle of betadine (for cleansing wounds)
Triple antibiotic ointment
Antiseptic towlettes
Burn gel



You're expecting a single gunshot wound resulting in a tension pneumo to occur in your home?

Do you have any training to use that cric needle or the airway?

If you don't, I'd suggest getting some before you stick the needle in someone's thoracic cavity the airway up someone's nostril.

It's a perfect example of when "tactical" rarely translates well to everyday life. He built himself an IFAK.

I think your suggestion goes for anyone, don't stock your kit above your current medical education. Providing an incorrect intervention could make a situation much worse.

AMK offers the best commercial kits out there, but still not ideal. There is no substitute for building your own kit to your own skills.

If anyone is serious about providing medical care in an expo setting, even to themselves, I highly suggest taking a WFR (Wilderness First Responder) course. Until then, leave the toys to the big boys :)


OverCamping Specialist
In addition to the kit I bought above that stays in the rig all the time, I bought a Plano tacklebox today, model 6103.
In the winter edition of Overland Journal there is a first aid kit article by Dr. Ed Beggy on putting together a kit using a tacklebox.

I already had one of these same model tackleboxes for my gun cleaning supplies and I like the size, so I picked up the new one.

I have had a Tupperware box that I have used for 25 years or so as a first aid kit in the rig that stays full time, but the Adventure Medical Kit is replacing it.
I took the contents of the old one and an in house wall mountable kit I got from Boeing five years back and put the contents into the tacklebox, and added a few new supplies.
I will pick up some of those blood clotting pads at a later date.

Some of the compartments could have been bigger on this tacklebox, but overall I am happy with it.
It will be the home kit, then it will go into the rig during trips.



I picked up a AMK kit when I did mountain bike patrol, we added a few extra items including a sand splint. Most of us in the patrol only had basic 1st aid/cpr training and there was a couple of items that I wasn't really
comfortable using, but are theory was there is a chance that there would be someone qualified that would pass by that could help out (that happen alot more than you would think). So I was a mule for the most part carrying supplies and a radio, really the best thing that I could do for someone that was seriously hurt was call 911. We found that doctors/nurses didn't mind helping out in a emergency situation they just didn't want to carry alot of cr#p when they were out riding for fun.

I guess what I'am trying to say is its ok to have more things in a kit, even if you are not qualified to use it, because there is a chance that there will be someone around that is. If your not qualified to use something in the kit then don't use it.

Another company that can put together a good 1st aid kit is Remote Medical.

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