Looking for a new medical kit


I picked up a AMK kit when I did mountain bike patrol, we added a few extra items including a sand splint. Most of us in the patrol only had basic 1st aid/cpr training and there was a couple of items that I wasn't really
comfortable using, but are theory was there is a chance that there would be someone qualified that would pass by that could help out (that happen alot more than you would think). So I was a mule for the most part carrying supplies and a radio, really the best thing that I could do for someone that was seriously hurt was call 911. We found that doctors/nurses didn't mind helping out in a emergency situation they just didn't want to carry alot of cr#p when they were out riding for fun.

I guess what I'am trying to say is its ok to have more things in a kit, even if you are not qualified to use it, because there is a chance that there will be someone around that is. If your not qualified to use something in the kit then don't use it.

Another company that can put together a good 1st aid kit is Remote Medical.

Sand splint or SAM splint? You have a good point about having qualified people around.

Remote Medical is who I buy my supplies from. Easy website to find and order what I want.


Expedition Leader
John E brings up some good points.

Some of these kits have some pretty invasive items, and some pretty specific items.

Unless you have the training to use the items, don't carry them just to be tacti-cool. The tendency appears to be that folks are looking at the all-encompassing "what-ifs?" instead of on the basic care and treatment of injuries.


Sand splint or SAM splint? You have a good point about having qualified people around.

Remote Medical is who I buy my supplies from. Easy website to find and order what I want.

I meant SAM splint, I'am suffering from a head cold right now.

Dennis David

I agree. Stick with 4 x 4s and direct pressure. I might add some OTC supplies like aspirin, ibuprofen, benadryl, glucose, moleskin, insect repellent w/DEET, sun screen and Tecnu.

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