Lowly Update:
Back in post #120 of this thread I came to the realization Lowly's VIN plate was missing from the truck (likely taken off for a respray of the cab's paint before auction and never replaced). Thanks to a heads-up by EXPO member grizzlyj about the VIN number being stamped on the right-side frame rail behind the front wheel I was able to help the insurance, registration and customs officials verify Lowly's VIN versus his paperwork to get me through several bureaucratic hoops. Even with the frame stamp and its success thus far, I know it is only a matter of time before some border agent with an inferiority complex decides to demand a VIN plate before opening the gate. So, we opted to sell our firstborn child in exchange for a replacement VIN plate that is pretty darn close to a dead-ringer of the original (thanks to EXPO member Mog for example pictures).
First stop was Aluma Photo-Plate Company in Houston, Texas (
https://www.alumaphoto-plateco.com/products/vin-tag-replacement.html ). They are able to reproduce blank replica plates that match stock plates. They even had a sample picture of the Daimler-Benz plate on their previous work webpage. A hefty cash till "cha-ching" later and I had a blank replica VIN plate in my possession.
Notice there are no numbers on the plate. Aluma Photo-Plate was able to laser etch anything I requested, but did not provide the "authentic" raised lettering needed to pacify hard-nosed customs agents.
Next stop was A.G. Backeast in Grand Junction, Colorado (
http://datatags.com ). They provide a raised/reversed stamping service for just this sort of thing and came through in spades after an even heftier cash till "cha-ching".
Both businesses were great to work with and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend their services. With my as-close-to-original VIN plate in hand, it was only a matter of drilling a couple of thru-holes in the plate and mounting it on the jamb below the driver's side door (utilizing the missing plate's mounting holes)
Checking this off my list proved costlier and more complicated than I expected, but this little aluminum plate will pay for itself in peace-of-mind the next time we are forced to cross check our paperwork and VIN plate. Bring on the customs agents!
- Sheik