On our last SCLR trip to Death Valley, two out of four LR3s had engine stalls at 9200 feet then again at 4200 feet. The climb to 9200 feet was perhaps 2 hours worth of trail time. The climb to 4200 was heading over to Panimant Valley with about 1/2 tank of gas each. The smell of gas was prevalent. Temperatures were moderate, 75-80F. All four LR3s gassed up at the same station in Olancha. Speaking with other members in our club, there are at least two others have had stalling issues on other trails at varying altitudes. Not very repeatable unfortunately. A few common threads would be partial tanks and trail runs where tanks would slosh. My faultmate does not indicate any faults with the the ECM or EVAP system.
A search on the Google has not resulted in much. The conversation on SCLR can be found here, http://www.sclr.org/roverboard/20-t...gine-stalls-in-death-valley.html?limitstart=0
Any insight or help would be appreciated.
A search on the Google has not resulted in much. The conversation on SCLR can be found here, http://www.sclr.org/roverboard/20-t...gine-stalls-in-death-valley.html?limitstart=0
Any insight or help would be appreciated.