Thanks. There are a few advantages to the OME lift. The first is that you're moving from a fairly complicated (although incredibly robust system compared to equivalent LR offering) hydraulic suspension system to a very simple and therefore more reliable traditional setup. Moreover, if something breaks on the OME setup, you can probably come up with some kind of field repair in a small town. Good luck with that if your AHC globes go.
But the better reason from my perspective is that the AHC system just isn't designed to take the weight of a fully loaded vehicle that's also a bunch of extra weight added to it (bumpers, sliders, roof rack, etc). There's been some discussion about getting upgraded coils and torsion bars from Australia, but there doesn't seem to be much experience with this. And even with upgraded hardware, you're still probably under-damped with the AHC system. Going with the tried and true OME setup was the path of least resistance after looking at all my options.
Personally, I never used the low setting on the AHC and so all I really lost was the ability to go from N to H. Now it's just like I'm in H mode all the time. And while the suspension is definitely stiffer than the AHC was, I don't find it too stiff and I really enjoy the reduced body roll when turning.