Maine Winter Romp 2015: Who's going?


Supporting Sponsor
Haha very true. We will be there Friday evening most likely.

Since you did not ask to photo me nude you get to pic.

Do you want to do a friday night run? I recommend this if you want to see the trails or meet up sat and roll the dice to see if we can avoid traffic jams on the trails ?


Does anybody know if their will be any offroad instructors present during this event? This will officially be my first experience offroading and this is where I will learn about the capabilities and weaknesses of my vehicle. Any direct instructions from experienced instructors would be greatly appreciated during this event. In the mean time Ive been watching alot of youtube videos on offroad techniques and things like that. Found a cool program thats over an hour long. A company called "ProTrax Overland Adventures" hosts the program and they focus on older Land Rovers. Very interesting if anybody would like to check it out:


Hahaha TRIARII, I miss your interesting ramblings over on LRF. Good to see you're still in the game. :D

I think I remember you from LRF as well! Good to see you here. I see you no longer have the Rover bug ah? What a shame haha. Hows things going anyways?


Since you did not ask to photo me nude you get to pic.

Do you want to do a friday night run? I recommend this if you want to see the trails or meet up sat and roll the dice to see if we can avoid traffic jams on the trails ?

I vote for the night run, as long as you promise to drive in reverse at 40 mph down the trail :D


Since you did not ask to photo me nude you get to pic.

Do you want to do a friday night run? I recommend this if you want to see the trails or meet up sat and roll the dice to see if we can avoid traffic jams on the trails ?

I appreciate this offer, but I will be with a big group of 10-12 trucks, and really don't know what our plans will be. It's tough to make a definitive plan. Last year we ran into you guys Friday night and again at big g's so I'm sure I will see you. I need to meet Erik at some point to give him the sliders install vid he asked me to do.


Supporting Sponsor
I appreciate this offer, but I will be with a big group of 10-12 trucks, and really don't know what our plans will be. It's tough to make a definitive plan. Last year we ran into you guys Friday night and again at big g's so I'm sure I will see you. I need to meet Erik at some point to give him the sliders install vid he asked me to do.

That sounds like the romp.
Ill have the Terrafirma kinetic strap with me just ask for it.


New member
Does anybody know if their will be any offroad instructors present during this event? This will officially be my first experience offroading and this is where I will learn about the capabilities and weaknesses of my vehicle. Any direct instructions from experienced instructors would be greatly appreciated during this event. In the mean time Ive been watching alot of youtube videos on offroad techniques and things like that. Found a cool program thats over an hour long. A company called "ProTrax Overland Adventures" hosts the program and they focus on older Land Rovers. Very interesting if anybody would like to check it out:

Don't sweat it. There's lots of folk there willing to help and advise if necessary.

Again, make sure you've got good recovery points. In slippery conditions kinetic recovery is often the best option to get your vehicle unstuck. This type of recovery puts an immense load on your points. Solid points, quality straps and shackles = all set for Romp.
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New member
Let me know if theres a night group I can join for friday night.Id like to give my P38 as much of a work out as I can over the weekend

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