Do you have any strong tree branches near by?
My tent costs me 3MPG!!!!

And my tent cover is already showing age after 2 years. I highly recomend removing it when not in use.
I have a pully on the end of a rope. I throw the pully over a tree branch and lower it to thte ground.
I then feed a rope through the pulley. I hook one end to a "harness" that I attach to the tent.
The other end I attach to a boat trailer manual winch.
I crank away and drive out from under.
I added two skooter wheels to my roof rack so I can roll my tent like a wheelbarrow into my garrage.
When I build a house with at least an 8 foot tall door, I will just hoist it to the ceiling.
Pics are here.
Total cost: $50
Freedom to take it off by myself: Priceless :xxrotflma