Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure


Death Valley Revisited

Death Valley is a very special place and as most who have traveled their can attest to... you instantly feel a bond, an attraction, a vibe that just pulls you in and makes you want to keep coming back for more. I have yet to travel with the wife and kids to DV, but once the weather warms up just a bit at night we will make that voyage together as a family. For me I am addicted to DV, I would be happy and content if my explorations and travels were contained strictly to just DV. This time I bought a year long pass and I hope to make it out an additional four or more times this new year.

This was another 3-day jaunt over to DV between duty days and this time traveling with a friend from work in a stock 4Runner. We traveled West side road to Furnace Creek and on to Racetrack road and camped at Homestake. Next day explored the Playa and traveled to Titus Canyon road then on to Stovepipe and camped in Cottonwood Canyon.
The washboard took its toll in vibrations on both our vehicles as the 4Runner developed a flat and The LC took a blow to the positive battery terminal lead. The past 100 miles of washboard caught up to me on the top of Titus Canyon on a outboard switchback. I had slowed for the turn and all of a sudden the power was off and I lost power steering and everything was quiet. As I came to a stop I knew instantly it was battery related. Popped the hood to find the positive lead sheared just aft of the post. Quick fix by attaching every thing but the aux lights to clamps bolt. My Lesson learned is I should have changed to military leads before they failed. Otherwise the trip was benign with no other problems.

Just like the first time... having been back for a couple days now, I'm feeling the ill effects of having left DV. I'm preoccupied with thoughts of going back... the sooner the better. :)


West Side Road.




Field Fix.



OH the Beauty.


We set up camp in the dark not knowing the true size of the cave.


My dinner for the night.



This photo puts the caves size into perspective.
Dude, was that you camped next to us at Homestake on, errr.... I think it was the 28th? We were in the white FZJ and with the Christmas lights on our tent.


Well based off your reviews and pics of your Baja Rack fully loaded, I just ordered the same one. I really liked the Front Runner rack, but couldn't justify the almost $400 higher price tag.

Now I need to order my awning. Which ARB awning are you using and what size?


Could you measure the distance between the roof and top of roof rack? I'm trying to figure out which rack I can still fit in the garage with.

FireGuy, Your looking at around 3 inches or so from top of roof to top of rack. This was measured just aft of the RTT on centerline. From the looks of your signature line you've got quite a LC... lets see some pics.:)

Well based off your reviews and pics of your Baja Rack fully loaded, I just ordered the same one. I really liked the Front Runner rack, but couldn't justify the almost $400 higher price tag.

Now I need to order my awning. Which ARB awning are you using and what size?

FireGuy, I was in the same boat... leaning towards the Front Runner, just couldn't justify the price as well... wasn't in stock anyways. Very happy with the Baja Rack though, its a mule of a rack.
I have the ARB Touring awning 8ft. model the longest one available. Its a good awning and for the price its great. I just wish I purchased the Hannibal awning instead. The guy lines always get in the way with kids and if strong winds come and its not tied down it'll start flying... I know all to well. My biggest gripe was just the poles and guy lines, otherwise great awning providing lots of shade for a very low price. I also have mine mounted with 3 mounts from Baja Rack, very solid.
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Dude, was that you camped next to us at Homestake on, errr.... I think it was the 28th? We were in the white FZJ and with the Christmas lights on our tent.

Dave, Yes that was me what a small world. Very very nice LC you have. I saw another white 80 on the 190 later that day heading north, lots of nice 80's in DV. I'm planning on another trip in March with the wife and kids hopefully it'll be warmer. Looked like your family handled the cold well. Where did you head off afterwards in DV? Take care.


FireGuy, Your looking at around 3 inches or so from top of roof to top of rack. This was measured just aft of the RTT on centerline. From the looks of your signature line you've got quite a LC... lets see some pics.:)

Thanks! Ya my cruiser is coming along nicely, although much slower than planned. Having a 9 month old daughter takes all of my time. One of my fenders died on the trail, so I had to stop the build, take them all off, and just finished lining the sides with Al's Liner Tan. Here are a couple sneak peaks. I'll get a full build thread up soon. Thanks for all your help with your thread, you have given me some great ideas. I plan to be in DV a lot, maybe we will run into each other, we can swap military stories.



Dave, Yes that was me what a small world. Very very nice LC you have. I saw another white 80 on the 190 later that day heading north, lots of nice 80's in DV. I'm planning on another trip in March with the wife and kids hopefully it'll be warmer. Looked like your family handled the cold well. Where did you head off afterwards in DV? Take care.

How funny. I wish I'd known it was you, I would have been over to chat a lot more. :D I also ran into a friend from up here - twice - in DV, so yeah small world.

My family handled the cold OK, but they were not really happy about it! My wife did forget to bring her gloves (I gave her my warmer set) and I had to convince my daughter that her cold sleeping bag would warm up quickly once she actually got into it... Luckily for me it was a lot warmer on the second night when we camped at Wildrose. My wife's not so into camping but my daughter loves it.

We did Titus Canyon before driving out to Homestake on Day 1. Day 2 was checking out The Racetrack, Ubehebe Crater, lunch at Stovepipe Wells to appease the family, exploring some old ruins & cars off Wildrose Rd. before camping at Wildrose campground. Day 3 was Stovepipe, Furnace Creek, Badwater, West Side Road, Zabriskie Pt. and then out to Echo Canyon where we had an interesting little vehicle problem before heading to our hotel in Ridgecrest for the night, wrapping up the visit.

It was ironic seeing your battery terminal issue. We had a similar one, but it was self-inflicted. I hadn't tightened the positive battery cable down tight enough after attaching the wire to my new terminal block, so all those damn miles of washboard out to Homestake & back vibrated it off the post. Result was no power at Ubehebe when I went to start up again. Luckily I guessed the problem right away and it was a 2-second fix to put it back on, although not until after I had a nice "OMG ******!?!" moment lol.

I knew that washboard was going to be a good test. If anything is going to come loose from vibration, that road will do it!

Well it was good to meet you out there. I share your enthusiasm for DV, and ironically it was photos from your previous trip out there that led me to want to stay at Homestake that first night. Hopefully I'll run into you again at some point.

Great rig you have there, and you too FireGuy... Cheers!


Thanks! Ya my cruiser is coming along nicely, although much slower than planned. Having a 9 month old daughter takes all of my time. One of my fenders died on the trail, so I had to stop the build, take them all off, and just finished lining the sides with Al's Liner Tan. Here are a couple sneak peaks. I'll get a full build thread up soon. Thanks for all your help with your thread, you have given me some great ideas. I plan to be in DV a lot, maybe we will run into each other, we can swap military stories.




FireGuy, I'm liking the tan Al's Liner... I'm looking forward to your build thread and more pics. How do you like the Radflos? Any experience with them on washboard? Had their coilovers on my Xterra and liked them. Would like to put either Radflos or Kings on the LC to help with absorbing all the washboard in DV. Anyhow I know its tough getting free time with a young one but, lets see some pics when you get the rack and awning installed. :)


How funny. I wish I'd known it was you, I would have been over to chat a lot more. :D I also ran into a friend from up here - twice - in DV, so yeah small world.

My family handled the cold OK, but they were not really happy about it! My wife did forget to bring her gloves (I gave her my warmer set) and I had to convince my daughter that her cold sleeping bag would warm up quickly once she actually got into it... Luckily for me it was a lot warmer on the second night when we camped at Wildrose. My wife's not so into camping but my daughter loves it.

We did Titus Canyon before driving out to Homestake on Day 1. Day 2 was checking out The Racetrack, Ubehebe Crater, lunch at Stovepipe Wells to appease the family, exploring some old ruins & cars off Wildrose Rd. before camping at Wildrose campground. Day 3 was Stovepipe, Furnace Creek, Badwater, West Side Road, Zabriskie Pt. and then out to Echo Canyon where we had an interesting little vehicle problem before heading to our hotel in Ridgecrest for the night, wrapping up the visit.

It was ironic seeing your battery terminal issue. We had a similar one, but it was self-inflicted. I hadn't tightened the positive battery cable down tight enough after attaching the wire to my new terminal block, so all those damn miles of washboard out to Homestake & back vibrated it off the post. Result was no power at Ubehebe when I went to start up again. Luckily I guessed the problem right away and it was a 2-second fix to put it back on, although not until after I had a nice "OMG ******!?!" moment lol.

I knew that washboard was going to be a good test. If anything is going to come loose from vibration, that road will do it!

Well it was good to meet you out there. I share your enthusiasm for DV, and ironically it was photos from your previous trip out there that led me to want to stay at Homestake that first night. Hopefully I'll run into you again at some point.

Great rig you have there, and you too FireGuy... Cheers!

Dave, That was pretty funny camping right next to someone and not knowing it was someone you chat with online. I had never seen pics of your rig previously. Didn't even put two and two together till you mentioned it. And Yeah those washboards are ruthless!

Just throwing it out there... I'd like to do a family camping run in DV maybe in March (Spring break), my wife and boys have yet to experience the greatness and beauty of DV. I think a party is allowable up to 6 vehicles it would be a good way to talk LC, kids will have fun, and hopefully my wife will gain a better appreciation... witnessing that other woman camp as well. I know my wife says she camps only for me and the boys, I'd like her to really enjoy it as well though. As we get closer to March I'm gonna start to do more planning. :coffeedrink:
There's a friend of mine who at the time we followed each other on Twitter for months before we realized that in real life we'd been staring and waving hi to each other, while dropping our kids off at the same daycare every morning and not realizing who the other was. Pretty absurd.

The March plan sounds good. I have friends up here that want to do a Spring DV run, although I'm not sure if I will have the family along for that one or not. Hopefully we can work something out. Also there's talk of a couple of us taking the Mojave Road overland to OX12 in May.


Awesome, I hope to get my wife and kids out to DV this year. If you dont mind me asking, how old are your kids and did they have fun?

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