Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure




Great Roof-Tent :ylsmoke:,

Congrats and enjoy :bike_rider:



Really enjoying your thread! Very much in the ExPo spirit and well presented.

That is a fearsome looking gate keeper you have posted at the ladder!

Thanks Schattenjager those are kind words. Yeah the youngest one was really liking the RTT. He didn't want me to close it up after.

Awesome build! I'm really digging the tent.


Thanks Butch... Yeah me too. :)

Great Roof-Tent :ylsmoke:,

Congrats and enjoy :bike_rider:

Lulo, I've got 4 days till the fun begins. :sombrero:

After much careful consideration as to what would be the best route for the LC concerning PHH hose replacement, I decided to go with 1FZ-FE's, the PHH WAK (Work Around Kit) from AJIK.


The PHH WAK (Work Around Kit)- replaces and extends the OEM PHH, while bypassing the upper metal coolant line. The kit includes Gates green stripe hose with 2 Breeze Stainless Steel Constant Torque Clamps. My reasoning for going with the PHH WAK kit is simple... if this fails while out on the trail now replacement will be painless...litteraly. My OEM hose was still in outstanding condition with no signs of leakage, bulging, or dry rot. At 166K miles it probably could have gone for another 100k. I just can't imagine the horror of having to replace a PHH out on the trail. I give a big props to those that have. The WAK kit is just the smarter and easier choice for me.


This is the only pic I took... look at all that room now. I can finally put my mind at ease and not have to worry about it while away from home. PHH DONE :victory:


How sturdy is the Baja Rack? Is there any flexing when it is loaded up? I ended up selling my Baja Rack on my 4Runner due to it flexing way too much, it would almost bow down and touch the roof. I'm considering the Baja Rack like yours or the Front Runner for my cruiser.


Lulo, I've got 4 days till the fun begins. :sombrero:

Where are you going?

Looks really good, Am jealous:Wow1:


How sturdy is the Baja Rack? Is there any flexing when it is loaded up? I ended up selling my Baja Rack on my 4Runner due to it flexing way too much, it would almost bow down and touch the roof. I'm considering the Baja Rack like yours or the Front Runner for my cruiser.

FireGuy, The Baja Rack is a very sturdy yet simple rack for our purpose. It performed well in Anza Borrego with a quite heavy and yes, well secured load. The awning is attached with 3 solid mounts and have never questioned its security. Multiple accessories are available for it. I have the awning mounts, tire mount, dual gas can, hi-lift, and ax & shovel mounts. Met our needs.


Personally I prefer a rack with no sides, just a flat surface. Before the Eezi-Awn I was always able to park in the garage, even with the lift and tires. Does it flex? Not that I've noticed. With eight total gutter mounts the loads are well supported.When I was looking at racks it was a toss up between the two that you are considering as well. Essentially what it came down to for me was price. And for the price I paid and amount that I saved it was a no brainer.







If money was not an issue, I may have gone with the Front Runner though... just saying. All in all very very happy with the Baja Rack, it's definitely earned its keep. :)


красный октябрь
FireGuy, The Baja Rack is a very sturdy yet simple rack for our purpose. It performed well in Anza Borrego with a quite heavy and yes, well secured load. The awning is attached with 3 solid mounts and have never questioned its security. Multiple accessories are available for it. I have the awning mounts, tire mount, dual gas can, hi-lift, and ax & shovel mounts. Met our needs.


Personally I prefer a rack with no sides, just a flat surface. Before the Eezi-Awn I was always able to park in the garage, even with the lift and tires. Does it flex? Not that I've noticed. With eight total gutter mounts the loads are well supported.When I was looking at racks it was a toss up between the two that you are considering as well. Essentially what it came down to for me was price. And for the price I paid and amount that I saved it was a no brainer.







If money was not an issue, I may have gone with the Front Runner though... just saying. All in all very very happy with the Baja Rack, it's definitely earned its keep. :)

I have an ARB steel rack, and I know its not the Baja, but I think most of these are about the same mounting point wise, I have had some honestly absurd loads on mine, and it has never flexed a bit.

I like the baja from a day to day point of view as Im sure it doesn't affect fuel mileage as much as mine, I can really feel a difference when its up there. But then, its a Landcruiser, not a 911, so I don't sweat it too much.

Your build is really looking good.


Here are a couple pics from Death Valley. Lippincott road is passable and there is snow on south pass of Saline Valley road. Happy Thanksgiving... More to come soon. :)







Phase 2

****I have since strayed from phasing the modifications. As finances and free time permits... the mods will go on. The next axle and engine evolutions will come around the 200k time frame.****

My goals with Phase 1 (see post #1) was to get the LC to a state in which I could feel at one and in tune with its reliability, modify suspension and tires to allow for additional weight and traction needs, and most importantly to get out there and start seeing all these amazing places. With Phase 2 I want to continue to maintain the LC as best as possible... while still being cost conscious( if your able to do that with an 80). I guess it's walking that fine line of PM and actually needing repair. Our sleeping conditions are about as good as it can get without actually getting a trailer, which leads to our storage problem. Interior space is very limited now... a rear bumper would take the spare, fuel, and Hi-Lift out of the cargo and mounted outside on the dual swingout bumper. Dual battery will help with our additional power needs and provide additional peace of mind while out on the trail. Ultimately my goal is to get the family out on more trail time(Inspire the wife and the kids will follow). As for Mods next up will be the comms install then DBS and from there we'll see. :)

Phase 2: Expo Additions, Modifications, and PM

Expo Additions

Roof Top Tent: Eezi-Awn Series 3 1600 T-Top Roof Tent, EA Ladder Extension

Dual Battery System: IBS Dual Battery System with Slee 2nd Battery Tray and Washer Bottle Relocation Kit


Storage: Hi-Lift ARB bumper mount, WagonGear cargo lid

Communication and GPS:

Miscellaneous: Speski Off-Road Cargo Barrier


Rear Bumper: FRBv2 recovery points

Slider Steps:

Suspension: Slee 3* Castor Correction Bushings

Miscellaneous: CoverKing Ballistic Seat Covers

Preventive Maintenance

OEM Toyota Fluids:

Non OEM Toyota Fluids: Engine Oil Changed w/ Mobile 1 Synthetic 5w 30 and Front Diff @170k, Power Steering Flushed @173k

OEM Toyota Parts: Heater Valve, Air Filter, Valve Cover Bolts, Starter, Fusible Links, Lower Control Arm Hardware, Tie and Relay Rod Ends, Front and Rear U- Joints, Lower Control Arm Frame Side Bushings

Non OEM Toyota: Gates Green FHH, Fourrunner's FZJ80 Heavy Duty Battery Cable Set
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Im getting old! :(

Thanks again for putting all the time in for these great posts. You truely have a awesome LC that you must be super proud of. I know I would be. Its funny this is always the first thread I look for when I get on EXPO to check for updates..

Do me a favor though, Slow down with all these awesome mods. Your giving some of us MAJOR LC Mod envy. LOL

Question for you, how are the Toyo MT's holding up? Are they wearing well? How many miles do you think you guys have on them? Any issues? With the steep price tag would you buy them again tomorrow?? TIA

Safe Travels!!!



Thanks again for putting all the time in for these great posts. You truely have a awesome LC that you must be super proud of. I know I would be. Its funny this is always the first thread I look for when I get on EXPO to check for updates..

Do me a favor though, Slow down with all these awesome mods. Your giving some of us MAJOR LC Mod envy. LOL

Question for you, how are the Toyo MT's holding up? Are they wearing well? How many miles do you think you guys have on them? Any issues? With the steep price tag would you buy them again tomorrow?? TIA

Safe Travels!!!

Also interested in the Toyo MT's. How is the weight for driveability, wear, and most importantly the noise? Great build!

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