Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure


Seat Covers and Rear Recovery Points

During our longer drives, one area that was really causing myself unnecessary fatigue was the seat covers we were using. They were a one piece design and would constantly slide and shift around you while driving. You would constantly have to wiggle to the left or right to get the cover realigned, just irritating. These were Autozone bought and for the price were great, except for the aforementioned. Looking for a replacement set that was less than $300 seemed dismal until I found these Coverking Ballistic Seat Covers at AutoAnythings site.
These seat covers are exactly what I was looking for... 3 piece design, very durable, and water proof. You can get in and out without the cover following you and what a difference while driving... No more sliding around on you. I just wish I knew of these sooner.




The only downfall with these covers that I see is the lack of organized storage for the back. My boys previously were able to store their water bottles, toys, and books in multiple zippered spaces, Now its just one big map pocket. Easy fix though.

Not having the money for an aftermarket rear bumper I wanted to address the only shortfall I noticed with The LCs stock bumper and that is the lack of a recovery point that would handle a higher load and shackle/D ring. Its nice to find solutions for shortfalls... The FRBv2 recovery points... exactly what I was looking for. The install for these was a bit more involved than I was expecting. I had to make multiple notches to the rear bumper and cross support for the recovery points to sit flush with the frame. No big deal just a little time consuming and more work than I expected. These are very solid and well made. The only problem now is that I have a place for my spare, Hi-Lift, fuel cans, and have recovery points... How do I justify a rear bumper now :p.





Wagon Gear Tailgate Lid

One of my goals with the LC is to utilize all available space to its best potential... the Wagon Gear Tailgate Lid is a step in the right direction and fits the bill in helping me achieve this goal. Kevin at Wagon Gear was easy to deal with, kept me updated, and delivered an amazingly high quality product. My particular lid was ordered with the grip plastic and stainless steel compression latches with a lock core, a bit more expensive, but well worth it. The installation was very straight forward and easily completed in an afternoon.







My plan is to store our first aide kit, the smaller spares, certain tools, and recovery gear in there. Pretty much it'll be a storage space for stuff thats not used often that I still want readily available. :ylsmoke:


I had Wagongear on my old 60, and loved it! Kevin's products are great quality.

Awesome looking cruiser you have there!


Great job on all fronts! Really enjoy seeing updates on your build, there well written and have great pictures. Having someone doing this to there truck and still getting out on trips with there kids is great! I am getting married this year so the truck build is on hold (as are lots of other things). Once our wedding is out of the way it will be back onto the truck before we have kids. Seeing that I have the right platform for family growth is fantastic. :beer:


Thank you for the FBRv2 info!

Can you show us a detail shot; more from underneith so we can get a better look of how you have this mounted?


Hey Deyon, the lid looks awesome! I have been eyeing that mod since before I bought my 80. Have you seen the replacement windows he is working on for the 60/80 series?


Thanks everyone... :beer::beer:

Hey Deyon, the lid looks awesome! I have been eyeing that mod since before I bought my 80. Have you seen the replacement windows he is working on for the 60/80 series?

Yes, I've been patiently following the thread on MUD and I personally feel this would be one of the most innovative and ingenious products developed for an 80 series. Looks amazing on a 60 and can't wait to see one on an 80. Let's keep our fingers crossed and say our prayers that Kevin will be able to pull this off for us 80 series guys.





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