I first noticed the clicking, tacking, tapping sound (one distinct sound, just not sure how to describe it) coming from the driver side front wheel area the night my wife picked me up at the airport around 3 weeks ago. The sound was more pronounced at speeds above 30 mph and while driving on the freeway. The sound did not increase with speed... was if it was variable in tone and audible only above 30 mph or so. One night the sound got me so freaked out I pulled off the 405 and retourqed all of the lug nuts just for peace of mind for the drive home. My initial thoughts were... the birfs going bad, something is seriously loose, maybe the valves are knocking, or wheel bearings are worn. I quickly ruled out the valves knocking or any thing in the engine. Thought maybe its was the idler pulley bearing, nope. At idle the engine sounds perfect... high revs in neutral and throughout the spectrum, sounded great as well.
After having some work done at Top Line, I was hoping the sound would magically disappear... the slight high frequency vibe is gone now though, with the replacement of front and rear u-joints. I was determined to figure this out... I checked what seemed to be every nut and bolt that I could get to, inspected the LC from tent to tire, yet that noise was kicking my but. Drove down to a gravel lot and did a bunch of tight turns and figure eights with and without the lockers engaged and also in low, no sound. I wasn't a 100% for sure in ruling out the birfs, but with all the tight turns slow and in low with no noise I was stumped. Came back home and jacked up the front end to check the wheel bearings, no play. While the wheels were up I took a rubber mallet and started tapping and banging the tires and wheels... sure enough on the driver side, I heard a slight tack sound. With a good looksy, I found the inboard wheel balance weight loose with around 3mm of deflection. Holy shmoly could this be the culprit? When tapping the weight against the wheel it produced the sound that I'd been hearing. Wow this is what had been freaking me out... a stinkin' wheel weight. :Wow1:
I cut a piece of cardboard to wedge in between the weight and wheel and covered with tape. Then spent a good portion of my afternoon driving the same roads at the same speeds with no clicking, tacking, or tapping sounds to be heard. And to think I was probably minutes away from calling CDan to order new birfs and a front end rebuild kit. Plan on taking the LC to Allen tires and having them rebalance the wheel with new weights to completely rule it out, until then I'm keeping my fingers crossed... I'm pretty sure though. :ylsmoke:
Here's the culprit wedged and taped.
And here's some pics with the MAF drop brackets removed and with the Slee 3* castor correction bushings installed.
We were hoping to make it out to Joshua Tree last week, but we just couldn't pull are schedules together. Keeping our fingers crossed for OvEx in May. And am itching to recon Mohave road before I bring the family. Were (mostly me) seriously itching for some trail and tent time... stay tuned friends.