Here are a couple of preview pics of what I'm currently working on. I think the difficult part is creating a platform / bracket for the circuit breaker and fuse block. After this comes the IBS dual battery system.
I spent quite a bit of time over the last two days reading your build thread. All I can say is - Outstanding!:victory:
I purchased an 80 recently and have been scratching my head, researching, and working on a game plan for the build. I'm sure this thread will save me a huge amount of time and energy as I start the process. Thanks so much for the very detailed and informative thread. You've got a great LC there!
Wow've transformed your rig to the ultimate family cruiser.
Keep on cruising, camping and exploring with your family.
Your kids will always remember and cherish these adventures.
The water from Marl Springs tastes pretty unusual even after it's been filtered!