Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure


You have an amazing ride and I appreciate all the inspiration you provide with your build and family adventures! I have stolen, shared, and given credit to you in my build thread for the great idea with the Airbedz air mattress.


Just finished reading this thread from beginning to end, WOW!! That was fun and educational thanks writing it all

No worries... Glad you enjoyed the thread.

You have an amazing ride and I appreciate all the inspiration you provide with your build and family adventures! I have stolen, shared, and given credit to you in my build thread for the great idea with the Airbedz air mattress.

Bretthn, I get a lot of ideas from what I see on other peoples vehicles as well. Can't remember where I got the idea of sticking the Airbedz mattress into the LC... at the time it was a great alternative to sleeping in a ground tent for us. What I do remember, is always ending up sleeping on the wheel well making for rough nights sleep... pretty funny when I think back. Thanks for the comments and try not to let the wife and kids push you up onto the wheel well like mine did. :sombrero:


Monache Meadows, Laurel Lakes - Mammoth, Yosemite, and Dinkey Creek... Oh Yeah.

This has been our most memorable summer yet for us with OvEx 2012, Mohave Road for myself, and now our grandest adventure yet... Monache Meadows, Laurel Lakes - Mammoth, Yosemite, and Dinkey Creek. We wanted to end our summer with a bang, just not literally. My wife's friend mentioned Dinkey Creek as being a great place for kids, so I planned our adventure to conclude there. My plan was to hit as many places as we could in 5 days, while keeping the travel time down between destinations. Our route would bring us to the mountains amongst all the tall trees with camping alongside a creek (Monache River)... which we've been wanting to do for quite some time now. To Laurel Lakes that is just a jaw dropping, nail biting, brow sweating experience filled with all the beauty a mountain lake can provide. We transited through Yosemite with time for just a couple stops... Pure awe and natural beauty that is God sent. And we ended our awesome summer at Dinkey Creek amongst wasps and moss rock slides. Oh Yeah.

Monache Meadows - Monache River


If your in an 80 you best get gas before the venture up.




9 mile road is a very scenic, yet steering wheel gripping drive to the top. Little did we know we would be making the transition down at night a day later.




Initially one of my concerns was finding our way to Monache Meadows. No need to worry the way is very well addressed with signs and landmarks.






We drove alongside cows and bulls during the many meadow crossings.








South fork Kern river was crossed twice on our way to the river campsites.

Glenn C

wow , what a thread just finished reading all 31 on pages in one go (I maybe unemployed come Monday lol) excellent 80 very very well set up and well thought out I must say love the white also, sadly I myself cannot afford an 80 as Irish tax laws mean I would be paying 1566 euros(over 1900 dollars) a year for car tax , I am hoping to get a 90 series cruiser in the near future or a 3rd gen 4runner , thanks for the excellent pictures and write ups your effort is appreciated by those who read it :wings:

ps you have another subscriber to this thread :sombrero:


Monache Meadows, Laurel Lakes - Mammoth, Yosemite, and Dinkey Creek... Oh Yeah. contd

Monache Meadows - Monache River

Upon our arrival at Monache Meadows - Monache River campsites we were greeted with the hello's of many fellow campers as we searched for a spot to set up camp. Lots of jeeps, full size domestics, and a couple of cruisers noticed amongst those already camping. We settled on a site that was on the southern side of the river towards the entrance of camp. Nothing like being creek side and camping. Camping alongside a creek has been one of our goals since we first purchased the LC... Our boys love being in shallow water to play in.

Enjoy the video.



One of the most beautiful and relaxing places we've set up camp yet.



Our first night was spent in the usual camp "cloud" listening to the gentle flow of Monache River.








Our second day was spent exploring the area and swimming in the creek. By noon we were the only campers left, it afforded a length of peace and solitude that is priceless in our lives. My wife went running throughout the area and I enjoyed a beer while the boys had a nap... this was the last picture taken as our camera battery required a recharge. Shortly here after our peace and solitude would be broken. Here is the link... What would you have done?

Monache is a beautiful spot that is few and far between near SoCal, I would not hesitate to return. Would I consider this an isolated incident? No, I'm sure a lot of illegal discharge of weapons takes place out here. And I'm sure these guys just wanted to have a fun time shootin'... its just not cool or legal though where others are camping, especially when children are present. Lame on these guys.

Stay tuned for Laurel Lakes... I give big props to those that have completed the 3 point turn in any vehicle larger than an 80. :Wow1:
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Monache Meadows, Laurel Lakes - Mammoth, Yosemite, and Dinkey Creek... Oh Yeah.

Laurel Lakes

The trail head of Laurel Lakes is just minutes from The Village in Mammoth making for a perfect day run. We were planning to run the trail, have a picnic, and head back to town. I knew this trail had a few switchbacks and couple narrow spots, so initially I had to tell my wife that it was just a mellow drive to a very secluded and scenic lake. Our pictures taken do not do this trail or lake its due justice. My wife was getting upset with my picture taking while driving... so I missed a lot of great shots. This was by far one of my most exhilarating, scenic, and jaw dropping trails we've driven thus far.



Enjoy the video.




As you make you way through the lower meadows the trail opens up to a valley and your first glimpse of whats ahead. :Wow1:


Enjoy the video.




Rock slide from who knows when.


This point starts multiple switchbacks to include the infamous 3 point corner. Whish I had some pics coming down this section. My wife earned her pay as spotter though in allowing me to creep to the very edge on the 3 point turn.



I was just planning on having lunch down here... my wife asks me if we plan to go swimming. Initially I said, "No" and that the water is probably freezing.
Stay tuned... were going swimming. :snorkel:
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Loving the latest trip report, as always. Laurel Lakes is one of many places that has been on my "to do" list for years. We just got back from a family trip up to the Lost Coast (10yrs on that "to do" list!) and I can relate to the idiot camp neighbors, the kids loving to play in a stream/river, and the wife getting annoyed at the photo-taking LOL... Looking forward to the next update!


Monache Meadows, Laurel Lakes - Mammoth, Yosemite, and Dinkey Creek... Oh Yeah.

Laurel Lakes

The last thing I thought we'd be doing in Laurel Lakes was going swimming. Actually it was more like jumping in and just trying to stay afloat for a photo and stave off hypothermia. My wife did bring up a good point, that we drove all the way up here and opportunities like this don't happen that often for us. It was blazing hot and the crystal clear blue water was calling our names.

Enjoy the video.

I jumped in with the intention of swimming half way out, but was instantly overtaken by the freezing water. BURR





My wife actually handled that freezing water better than I did, she even water taxied the boys so they could get a splash. Once out of the water you rappidly dried and warmed up making the quick dip all that more enjoyable.



After a couple of hours splashing around lakeside, having lunch, and exploring the area on foot, it was time to ascend our way out. I'm not sure which way was more nerve racking, going up or down. Either way my wife spotted our way out on the 3pt. turn.




A couple of Jeeps making there way on the 3pt turn. Looks very benign on this photo.



Very steep, narrow, and tight switchbacks at the upper lake.





A waterfall off of the lower lake. Would have been nice to explore this area.


All I can say is this is Beautiful country back here in addition to providing one hell of a ride. A must do trail if you are in the Mammoth area. Stay tuned for Yosemite and Dinkey Creek. Where in the world did all these wasps come from?


wow , what a thread just finished reading all 31 on pages in one go (I maybe unemployed come Monday lol) excellent 80 very very well set up and well thought out I must say love the white also, sadly I myself cannot afford an 80 as Irish tax laws mean I would be paying 1566 euros(over 1900 dollars) a year for car tax , I am hoping to get a 90 series cruiser in the near future or a 3rd gen 4runner , thanks for the excellent pictures and write ups your effort is appreciated by those who read it :wings:

ps you have another subscriber to this thread :sombrero:

Wow :Wow1: over $1900 a year for car tax. Does that include registration? I just registered the LC the other day for $79 (good for one year) plus $60 for a smog inspection thats good for two years... and I still feel like I'm getting robbed, Guess I shouldn't be complaining though. Thanks for the comments and thanks for dropping by. :)

Great report and pics. Too bad about the idiots. We almost went up to that spot last week.

Thank you... I don't want our incident to detour people from going to Monache Meadows, it's such beautiful country up there... a must see. Problems like such can happen anywhere... its just a matter of having a plan and dealing with the situation the way you best see fit. At that time we didn't have a plan for situations as such, we just dealt with the situation as we saw fit. We have a "plan" now though.

Loving the latest trip report, as always. Laurel Lakes is one of many places that has been on my "to do" list for years. We just got back from a family trip up to the Lost Coast (10yrs on that "to do" list!) and I can relate to the idiot camp neighbors, the kids loving to play in a stream/river, and the wife getting annoyed at the photo-taking LOL... Looking forward to the next update!

Laurel Lakes is just the right length for a day trip when heading north or south on the 395. I'm positive you won't be disappointed and I'm sure your wife will freak out like mine... as you try to take pictures while descending on the switchbacks to the upper lake. After seeing your pics of the Lost Coast were going to have to find some time for that trip as well, hopefully sooner than 10 years though. Dave, Thanks for always dropping by.


New member
Thank you for taking the time to document your adventures. That being said, I kinda hate you for making me want to ditch my '89 4Runner for a LC...
I think most people forget, living in the LA basin (at least for me here in LB), how much wilderness and beauty surrounds us. We live in such a congested area where everyone lives right on top of one another and we don't think about what's within an hour or two drive of us.
My wife and I don't have kids but I want to get out more as a family to take adventures like you do. I've now spent several hours going through this thread and am more inspired than ever to utilize the free access to the natural beauty that surrounds us. Thanks again for the recharge. Great rig, by the way.

p nut

Thank you for taking the time to document your adventures. That being said, I kinda hate you for making me want to ditch my '89 4Runner for a LC...
I think most people forget, living in the LA basin (at least for me here in LB), how much wilderness and beauty surrounds us. We live in such a congested area where everyone lives right on top of one another and we don't think about what's within an hour or two drive of us.
My wife and I don't have kids but I want to get out more as a family to take adventures like you do. I've now spent several hours going through this thread and am more inspired than ever to utilize the free access to the natural beauty that surrounds us. Thanks again for the recharge. Great rig, by the way.

Not to make you even more jealous, but I'd say that since getting an LC, the family is more excited to go on outings since it is much more comfortable than my last truck. Even myself, I feel much better and refreshed after a 9 hour drive than my old 4Runners and Tacomas. But I do miss them and if you don't need the space, they're awesome rigs (plus better MPG!).


This is a great post you've made covering how great the 80 is for a family. Although we're a Jeep family we've been looking into buying an 80 for our road trips / camping / light off road adventures since losing our '83 Jeep Wagoneer in a highway accident (just the wife and I, no kids, no one else got hurt :wings:). The fact that the 80s are also built tough and versatile appeals to us even more since that accident.


You've had your 80 for awhile now and, while some of your adventures are a little wilder than we would get into, this is the kind of family fun my wife and I would like to have with our two kids. If you don't mind answering, do you use the diff locks alot or would you say buy the cleanest 80 for the best price (and add lockers later if we find we need them)? And what mileage did your 80 have when you bought it? Asking because I've been able to located two '96 80s within a couple of hours of me, both white and look to be in great shape BUT neither of them have the diff locks. I did also find one with a bit higher mileage, not the color I'd prefer, but WITH the diff locks. Stuck on which direction to go.

I've put ARBs into one of our other Jeeps but like the idea of having the factory lockers for not much more in the resale market. Appreciate your reply and keep posting up the adventures, my wife and I have enjoyed seeing you create memories with your kids!


Its has been a little over 3 months since my last post... Wish I could say that I've been on the road traveling with the family or out on the trail exploring the backcountry. What I can say is that I've been to the top of the world, I've seen vast spans of ice float, I've seen the native ways in preparing muktuk, and watched first hand the explosive dance of the northern lights. I've also had a lot of free time to rethink our direction for the LC... what I've come up with is that the LC is essentially able to meet all of our families adventure and camping needs how the LC is presently configured. We will continue to place an emphasis on preventive maintenance and strive to just get out there where ever "There" may be. But what about the mods? The mods will continue, just at a slower and more thought out process as funds allow. So after a 3 month deployment to the Arctic, I'm ready to get back out on the trail and start making some new memories that include my family. :) I'm thinking of someplace warm first.



Lots of ice, but where were the polar bears?


Muktuk carved from bowhead whale.


Had to pull off the road to take a pic of this mobile camper.



Couple of nice LC's. The first was in Kodiak and second in Victoria.

Stay tuned for the completion of Dinkey Creek...

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