Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure


Thank you for taking the time to document your adventures. That being said, I kinda hate you for making me want to ditch my '89 4Runner for a LC...
I think most people forget, living in the LA basin (at least for me here in LB), how much wilderness and beauty surrounds us. We live in such a congested area where everyone lives right on top of one another and we don't think about what's within an hour or two drive of us.
My wife and I don't have kids but I want to get out more as a family to take adventures like you do. I've now spent several hours going through this thread and am more inspired than ever to utilize the free access to the natural beauty that surrounds us. Thanks again for the recharge. Great rig, by the way.

Foxpedition, I had a 89 4Runner that I sold to be able to buy the LC... dang I miss that 4Runner, wish I still had it to use as my daily driver. Thanks for the kind words, hope your able to make it out "there" and trade the hustle of LA for some trail time soon.


Don't make the mistake of ditching your 4Runner if possible save it as your daily driver. I'm kicking myself for getting rid of mine.

This is a great post you've made covering how great the 80 is for a family. Although we're a Jeep family we've been looking into buying an 80 for our road trips / camping / light off road adventures since losing our '83 Jeep Wagoneer in a highway accident (just the wife and I, no kids, no one else got hurt :wings:). The fact that the 80s are also built tough and versatile appeals to us even more since that accident.

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You've had your 80 for awhile now and, while some of your adventures are a little wilder than we would get into, this is the kind of family fun my wife and I would like to have with our two kids. If you don't mind answering, do you use the diff locks alot or would you say buy the cleanest 80 for the best price (and add lockers later if we find we need them)? And what mileage did your 80 have when you bought it? Asking because I've been able to located two '96 80s within a couple of hours of me, both white and look to be in great shape BUT neither of them have the diff locks. I did also find one with a bit higher mileage, not the color I'd prefer, but WITH the diff locks. Stuck on which direction to go.

I've put ARBs into one of our other Jeeps but like the idea of having the factory lockers for not much more in the resale market. Appreciate your reply and keep posting up the adventures, my wife and I have enjoyed seeing you create memories with your kids!

richmond bob, Thanks for the kind words... Wow that's a crazy accident, luckily the Jeep kept you and your wife safe. I have no reservations on the LC's ability to keep my family safe while on the road or trail. I bought mine with ~150k miles it was exactly what I was looking for, think I just got lucky. I would recommend finding a LC that had a well documented maintenance history, the exact color you want with minimal rust or body damage, and personally I wouldn't stress over the OEM diff locks as I've only used mine a hand full of times plus you could always add ARB's diff locks later if you actually require them. Good luck, hope this helps.


Thanks Guys, it's definitely great to be back... stay tuned for some new and upcoming adventures. Semper and Chuck B I give you guys credit and BIG props for your guys deployments... 3 months felt like and eternity while I was gone and its what just a quarter of the length for the other services deployments.


Expedition Leader
You guys honestly do some cool things I never knew about when I first joined. If I had nine lives I would definitely join the CG for one of them!


My dad did 24 years in the Air Force and always said if he could do it over again he would have joined the CG. I'm good with my 4 in the Corps.


Yosemite and Dinkey Creek

We left Mammoth around 9am heading north on the 395, from there we headed up Tioga road into Yosemite National Park. Our plan was to make it to Dinkey Creek no later than 7pm, this would enable a couple hours of time in Yosemite. I asked my wife what one spot she would like to see in Yosemite and she chose Bridal Falls... I had a feeling that it wouldn't be flowing with all its grander this late in the summer, but did that really matter? Yosemite is just a gem for our nation, I think that we'll need at least a week if not more to truly take in all that it has to offer. We were left speechless by all of its beauty, passing through for just a couple of hours was just not fair for us, we will return soon enough.


Just off of Tioga pass rd. Make sure you get gas before heading into Yosemite. This pic does not do this waterfall or gorge justice.


There were creeks and streams everywhere.



Bridal Falls was a nice stop for lunch with a short hike to the falls... it was just misting.

We left Yosemite around 2 in the afternoon making our way to Dinkey Creek in the Sierra National Forrest along some very windy country roads. Not being able to get a traveling speed over 50, due to miles and miles of S turns was leaving us concerned that we would be setting up camp at dark. In hindsight we should have allowed my travel time, but until you actually take the drive it can be difficult estimating how long the drive will actually be. Thankfully my wife and boys were understanding and not driving me too crazy with complaining on how long it was taking to get there. We made it to camp ~45 minutes later than expected, not too bad. Our first thought once at our camp site was.... what's up with all these wasps? The amount of wasps flying around was insane. A fellow camper came by and gave us a rundown on the wasps. He said, they wont sting if you leave them alone and that once night comes along they leave. My concern was for our boys getting stung and having serious reactions, the amount of wasps out here was just crazy. As my wife and boys adjusted to life with wasps, I started setting up camp. Our camp site was very large and spacious with lots of open space between us and the next camp site. Wow its very nice here... lets forget about the wasps.


Our spot was 114 on J loop. Conveniently located near Honeymoon and the Slicks pools.

The next two days were spent playing in the water pools and exploring the area... this was truly natures playground for our boys. Just as early native american children must have played... enjoying themselves all day long, our boys were able to do the same. From morning to early evening we just stayed and played on the granite slides and pools. All day enjoyment... it was truly priceless, I'm positive that my boys have had the most fun here than any where else in there lives. As parents, I don't think we've ever enjoyed ourselves more than right here as well.




The Slicks hold up to there name. That mossy granite will wipe you out... use extreme caution when crossing and walking along the water ways. We all took at least one good spill while we were there. Thankfully no broken bones.



With high's in the low 90's it was so easy for the wife and I to just lounge around pool side.


Enjoy the video

At Honeymoon pool there is a cliff jump with a height of ~24-28ft. For the life of me I couldn't get my wife to jump. :sombrero:


Looking down creek towards Honey moon pool.


Looking down at natures water slides. It's snack time. :)


Looking up creek past The Slicks.

Never pass up an opportunity to photograph your wife.


But of course the wasps were there to greet us on our arrival back to camp each day.


Delicious dinners... just had to be careful not to swallow any wasps.


Made an improvised trap to catch and distract those wasps, felt bad the next morning as my three traps were completely full and the wasps were still out in full force. :Wow1:


As our grandest adventure came to an end, we could hardly believe that in just 5 days we were able to experience so much. Who could ever forget the crossing of South Fork Kern Rivers, driving out of Monache Meadows and down 9 mile road at night, Laurel Lakes with that crazy 3 point turn and jumping into the lake for a quick swim, Tioga drive going into Yosemite... becoming one with overdrive and second gear to maintain speed, and most of all Dinkey Creek with the wasps and granite water slides. When we first bought the LC we were hesitant driving anywhere over a couple hundred miles over fear of our boys "loosing it" from being cooped up in there seats, They despised driving any long distance. Slowly we've been able to tackle these barriers and now we've completed our furthest and longest trip as a family. I remember when they wanted to just camp at a park down the street so we didn't have to drive...too funny. :)
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Awesome thread! Its taken about an hour to go through, haha. Looking forward to following along. Great looking vehicle as well and it's great to see your family enjoying your outings as much as you.


Awesome thread! Its taken about an hour to go through, haha. Looking forward to following along. Great looking vehicle as well and it's great to see your family enjoying your outings as much as you.

Thank you

Great stuff. Yosemite is the best place ever. :)

Thanks for always stopping by Dave... We couldn't believe it in Yosemite, we even passed by this large lake that had a huge sandy beach front. :sombrero: In Yosemite.:Wow1:

What the thing hanging in the wasp trap? Whatever it is, it's effective.

Our boys dropped a spinach and feta sausage on the ground so I used it as bait. Any meat product should work...cut a hole ~1" in diameter in your water bottle, hang your meat product from the bottle neck with fishing line, and fill the bottom of the container with water and something sweet or water and dish soap. Works well with bees, wasps, yellow jackets etc. This is great for camping... the boys always like to see what we'll catch. It was crazy how much of the sausage those wasps ate.

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