Mojave Road Day 2
After an awesome nights sleep, I woke up around 7 am to the sound of chirping birds and the sun peering in to the tent. A good nights sleep is definitely the frosting on the cake while out camping for me. My agenda for the day would be to continue on the Mojave Road while stopping at the Mailbox, Marl Springs, Lava Tube, Soda Lake, Travelers Monument, and setting up camp at Afton Canyon. The LC just continues to exceed my expectations as a vehicle... no problems found during my morning inspection.
Spot 25 at Mid Hills campground.
All packed up and thought I'd take a couple of pics of whats inside my lid. WagonGear tailgate lid stores all the stuff you rarely use, but when you do need its easily accessible. I've got a couple manuals, flares, jumper cables, spares, recovery gear, and first aid stored in mine.
Back on the Road again.
Enjoy the video. Had a blast driving this portion.
Marl Springs... next time I plan to do more exploring of the area.
The source of the water... Next time I'll have a drink.
Brushing up on cactus would have ruined my day. OUCH
At this location my phone blew up with messages...Yes Tmobile 3g... found out I'd possibly be deploying. :Wow1:
Signed my name and spent a couple minutes reading through the log book, had a couple laughs on the contents of both. Stay tuned for Soda Lake.