Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure


Looks like a great trip. I read the thread you posted when researching RTT's. Are you still happy with the Eezi-Awn? I was initially thinking about an 1800, but I'm now considering the CVT group buy going on in the for-sale section. Either way, I think I'm sold on the idea of a RTT for camping with the family.


Looks like a great trip. I read the thread you posted when researching RTT's. Are you still happy with the Eezi-Awn? I was initially thinking about an 1800, but I'm now considering the CVT group buy going on in the for-sale section. Either way, I think I'm sold on the idea of a RTT for camping with the family.

I am Very happy with the Eezi-Awn. My only complaint with RTT's in general is the decrease in mpg... ~ a 1.5 mpg decrease for me. This mpg loss is not enough for me to move back to a ground tent though. Having an enclosure for the bottom of the RTT is a definite plus, especially with a family. The size of a 1600 and a family of four, it provides just the right amount of sleeping space for us to be comfortable. If you can easily afford an Eezi-Awn... by all means... the quality is hard to beat. I'm thankful we came across ours used, otherwise the CVT's more than likely would have been the route chosen. Good Luck, hope this helped.


Mojave Road Day 2

After an awesome nights sleep, I woke up around 7 am to the sound of chirping birds and the sun peering in to the tent. A good nights sleep is definitely the frosting on the cake while out camping for me. My agenda for the day would be to continue on the Mojave Road while stopping at the Mailbox, Marl Springs, Lava Tube, Soda Lake, Travelers Monument, and setting up camp at Afton Canyon. The LC just continues to exceed my expectations as a vehicle... no problems found during my morning inspection.




Spot 25 at Mid Hills campground.


All packed up and thought I'd take a couple of pics of whats inside my lid. WagonGear tailgate lid stores all the stuff you rarely use, but when you do need its easily accessible. I've got a couple manuals, flares, jumper cables, spares, recovery gear, and first aid stored in mine.



Back on the Road again.

Enjoy the video. Had a blast driving this portion.




Marl Springs... next time I plan to do more exploring of the area.




The source of the water... Next time I'll have a drink.



Brushing up on cactus would have ruined my day. OUCH


At this location my phone blew up with messages...Yes Tmobile 3g... found out I'd possibly be deploying. :Wow1:





Signed my name and spent a couple minutes reading through the log book, had a couple laughs on the contents of both. Stay tuned for Soda Lake.
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Only just seeing this thread now (it's a great write up) - we have both been through very similar 'builds' Our LX450 has the same truck mods (minus bumper). We have the ARB awning, Bajarack and Eezi-Awn 1800 T-Top...

A couple of questions:

Would you still recommend the seat covers?
How do you go with the Eezi-Awn without sliders/running board. At times we still struggle. I will be moving the tent to the back of the rack so my wife can stand on the tail gate to help out.
I'm strongly considering ditching the bajarack for the Front Runner style systems - it is much too heavy, plus I want the stainless steel table up there - have you considered the same thing?

You need a fridge and drawers! What you really need is the National Luna 90L I have for sale (shameless plug), I have two National Luna Fridges sitting beside me...

Our rig:

P5200009.jpg by p.60/128, on Flickr



How's your AC hold up in the heat and slow going?

I usually just keep the windows down while on the trail. It was hot, but not unbearable. When I do use the AC I notice a 4-6* coolant temp increase at highway speeds on average though.

A couple of questions:

Would you still recommend the seat covers? - No... They are wearing prematurely. Should have purchased Wet Okoles or Escape Gear seat covers.

How do you go with the Eezi-Awn without sliders/running board. At times we still struggle. I will be moving the tent to the back of the rack so my wife can stand on the tail gate to help out. - I use a folding step ladder and stand on the tires or doors.

I'm strongly considering ditching the bajarack for the Front Runner style systems - it is much too heavy, plus I want the stainless steel table up there - have you considered the same thing? - That was my first choice, opted for the Baja due to lower price. I'm happy with it for now.

You need a fridge and drawers! - That will come with time and when finances allow.


Ash, Answered your questions above. Good Luck and have fun with your choices.


Mojave Road, Soda Lake

May 25 2012 signed my name at the Mailbox and continued on to my next destination... the Lava Tube. Sure enough I drove right past the turn off... just decided to continue on forward. My next destination to look forward to was Soda Lake with Travelers Monument on the far west end. I am now privy to the secret of Travelers Monument and its message… my life as I know it will forever be changed.:sombrero:
With the winds gusting well above 40 mph it made for quit an experience driving through Soda Lake... luckily no worries over mud.




I think this is where I was supposed to turn off for the Lava tube. Got caught up with carins on the right.


Soda Lake in the far distance.





I've never encountered such a variety of different forms of sand than here in Mohave... my favorite was the ultra fine that kept you fighting to stay afloat.

Enjoy the video... sorry for the quality.



For the life of me I can't remember where I picked up this rock, but its new home is at the top of Traveler's Monument.




Up next is more sand in Mojave wash and Afton Canyon to wrap things up. stay tuned :)


Mojave Road... Freedom to Live

Having just travelled the distance of Soda Lake and now knowing the secret of Travelers Monument, I was ready for the final leg of my journey on Mojave Road.






I knew the sand in the Mojave River was going to be a challenge, but this was flat out crazy. The winds were in full effect working as hard as possible to erase all signs of past travelers. At this point I wasn't concerned so much with getting lost, but staying on trail so if I did get stuck hopefully I'd be more easily spotted by a passing vehicle. There were many patches where the sand was so fine that it felt as though if I were to come to a stop I'd sink down to the frame and literaly drown. Thankfully the LC and Toyos worked in unison floating me through this sea of angry sand.







Line poles were erected to help guide the way and this final flag pole lets you know you've made it.



Heading into Afton Canyon.





The first of two water crossings. No significant depth to the Mojave River today, just enough to rinse the wheels off.

Enjoy the video


Mojave Road... Freedom to Live continued


Enjoy the video... second crossing is a little longer and just a little deeper.


Seeing this graffiti tag summed up my Mojave Road adventure... It would be such a shame to lose access to this historic route. I hope to travel the Mojave Road with my boys in the near future and hope that they can pass on the same. Freedom to Live


Afton Canyon campgrounds looking down from the group sites.

As I was driving into the campgrounds I was a bit discouraged from what I was seeing. The site was completely empty except for two guys that just seemed completely out of place camped at the entrance. I wasn't sure if they were the camp hosts or what. One fellow waved as I drove by the other just mad dogged me like I stole his firewood for the night. Circled around at the end and just decided to continue on down to Camp Cady.



There was room at the top, but it was a very close call. Dang train snuck up on me.



This was the last picture taken it's looking west into the Mojave River towards Camp Cady.

I drove around 4 miles going toward Camp Cady in the Mojave River and turned around due to the never ending torment of sand. This was by far the absolute worst of sand driving and just felt I wasn't worth getting stuck at the end. Headed back to Afton Canyon to give the campgrounds one last feel... it wasn't happening. With a combination of negatives I just felt it was best to air up, gas up, and head back home that night.
This adventure was completed in one night and two days. Many pictures were taken, memories made, and most of all I now have a reason to go back... My family wants to experience the same...can't wait. I also would like to take a drink of the water at Marl Springs.:ylsmoke:

I would also like to add that I was confidently able to travel damn near the whole route made possible by... the Mojave Road Guide, by Dennis Casebier. This book literally paved my path for a clear route to follow on my first Mojave Road adventure. A big Thank you to Dennis...your words of direction and enlightenment helped bring forth an educational and successful traverse of the Mojave Road.:)
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I subscribed to your thread a while back and AWESOME Mojave Road Trip report!

Did you happen to take any images of your cargo area while on the trip? I like your rig setup on the daily mission, so I was just wondering if you may have snapped an image with the cargo area loaded for the Mojave trip.

Thanks again for your Mojave Road reports... I enjoyed re-living it through your lens. And yeah how nasty was the sand in the Mojave River bed? Easily the toughest part of the entire trail.

Next time I'd like to avoid the Afton campground as well, although the trains crossing the bridge there, the coyotes and the desert tortoises made for some interesting sounds in the night...


I subscribed to your thread a while back and AWESOME Mojave Road Trip report!

Did you happen to take any images of your cargo area while on the trip? I like your rig setup on the daily mission, so I was just wondering if you may have snapped an image with the cargo area loaded for the Mojave trip.

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GCRad1, I will take a couple pics of cargo area set up for our next outing.

Thanks for the comments guys... I'm always bummed when the trail ends, posting pics helps me relive the moment.


New member
Just finished reading this thread from beginning to end, WOW!! That was fun and educational thanks writing it all

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