If you look at my previous posts you'll see I don't use Maxtrax so I am just wondering about all of the discontent polluting this good thread..
This is going to be a bit of a long post. FWIW, I simply read a few of these posts and just thought they came across like a bit of a **************. It's probably not enough to keep me from doing business with them, but it might be enough to push me another direction if I'm looking at two relatively equivalent products.
We're made from fiber-reinforced engineering-grade nylon that's designed to be able to wrap completely around a tire without breaking. TREDs are made from the same thing as milk bottles.
View attachment 308965
That strikes me as a bit of a juvenile dig at tred and hdpe (I'm not even 100% sure that's what they're made from anyways), but whatever. You could just as easily refer to maxtrax as being made out of the same stuff as cheap knife handles (glass filled nylon).
From this thread on some traction mats being sold at Costco.
So somebody posts asking about some inexpensive traction aids they saw at costco, somebody else responds that they had a positive experience with the product, and maxtrax comes back with a post that's pure snark. Obviously a $20 product is different than a $300 product. A) Do you really need to be jumping in threads about (more or less) competitive products? And B) if you're going to do so, why don't you offer something that's substantive rather than acting like you can't believe how anybody could ever possibly believe that something other than your awesome product is worth their money?
Of course they got immediately called out on it and followed up with an actual substantive post. But why not just do that in the first place if you're so inclined to get involved? This is a discussion board and "sigh..." doesn't add much to the discussion. Don't act like a 15 year old that just got asked to take out the trash.
And from this thread about Crux Offroad bridging ladders (posted by expo staff): http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/144360-Crux-Offroad-bridging-ladder-saves-big-rig
We get a post consisting of 4 progressively zoomed in photos showing maxtrax being used in the recovery:
Again, this is a post that is about a completely different product and company. Maxtrax were used in the recovery? No kidding, it was mentioned very specifically in the article that a bunch of maxtrax were pulled out, but they didn't have enough to get the job done, which is the whole point of why the crux offroad ladders were brought in (to do something they weren't ever designed for). There's no substance to the post. It just looks like a "big guy" shoving his way into the middle of a thread providing some positive coverage for a small vendor.
The bottom line is that while it's not like maxtrax is running around pulling some of the stuff that certain folks around here are known for, these posts aren't exactly examples of professional behavior, IMO. There are plenty of vendors on here who are competitors with each other but manage to not shoehorn their way into each others' threads, treat each other with respect in their posts, and just generally come across as professionals, rather teenagers given access to the company's social media accounts.
It's one thing to be a bit snarky or combative when you just represent yourself (I've certainly done my fair share of that) but it's another thing when you're posting a representative of a company. Even the "apology" in this thread, was a non-apology. If you say "I'm sorry you were offended" and then justify your behavior in the next sentence, why even bother?
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