Maya Rally Questions (But Maybe Not Answers)

I am building the website for the event, and I'm needing some help writing the FAQ section. So, I'm going to crowdsource the content. (Which for a real FAQ section, is probably how it should go, anyway. ;) )

I can't promise that I'll answer them all, as many things I either don't know, or for the sake of the event remaining somewhat mysterious, will decline to speak about. But, I'll do what I can. The best Q&As from here will be transferred to the website over the coming weeks.

So, what are your questions about the 2012 Maya Rally? Anything goes.



PS> Be sure to keep an eye on for the big premier. Coming soon!


Expedition Leader
Registration procedure
Rules of the Rally
Safety and insurance requirements
Required safety equipment
Health recommendations (get a physical, inoculations, etc)
How will unregistered vehicles be kept from participating (if you publish the dates and the route, for example)

Dave Bennett

Safety and insurance requirements
Required safety equipment
Health recommendations (get a physical, inoculations, etc)

I'm working on these.

Just remember that even with all your shots up to date and the best equipment and route, the MAYA RALLY will confront you with the fact that the world could end for you before it does the rest of us.


Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
How do I convince my wife to let me go?


I will be composing several answers to hopefully cover most circumstances. Progress so far:

1) Explain to her that you must go to the place of the apocalypse to save her, your children, and indeed, the world.
2) Explain to her that the Mayans were just counting down to the release of "The Hobbit," and that everything will be fine.
3) Elaborate on the charitable aspect of this competition. You will be bringing attention to an area where the primary economic driver is tourism. An area that has been particularly hard hit in recent times. It is your duty to preserve it. You're not TRYING to be a hero, it just comes naturally.
3.5) What would Chuck Norris do (WWCND)?
4) Promise her that you will return leaner, with a healthy tan. Tell her that you won't BE TACODOC, but you will smell like TACODOC.
5) Tell her that you are part of an Army that is to be secretly assembled to confront the dreaded Sparmish Army of the North.
6) Admit that Costco no longer lets you take poser pics on that rock, and that you need to find a new one.

More coming...


Expedition Leader
Q: How will the rally benefit the people, businesses and civic institutions (schools, for example) of the region?


Expedition Leader
1) planned activities?

2) whose in, whose out? Whats the deal with cap on participants as well as qualifications to enter. Simply looking for numbers and what the guideline might be to enter.

3) team orientated? Meaning driver and co-pilot(s). Friends & family I am sure being sixes.

4) If there is a fee it covers what exactly?

Everything else I might ask has been asked already! :sombrero:


What charities will be beneficiaries from this event? Kind of along the lines of haven's question.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
What charities will be beneficiaries from this event? Kind of along the lines of haven's question.

thanks for these questions, it is very helpful to help us. More details soon but regarding charities:

what I would like to do is to give back a portion of the entry fees to a group that work on restoring/protecting the Maya sites.
Also we would like to encourage people to do something on their own on the way back...more on this later...
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Appalachian Ridgerunner
Mr said:
5) Tell her that you are part of an Army that is to be secretly assembled to confront the dreaded Sparmish Army of the North.

Not so secret now..

5) Tell her that you are part of the rabble that is fleeing South away from the oncoming horde of the dreaded Sparmish Army of the North.

Fixed that for you. Only 11 more months until all the planning pays off... Levi, Jacob and the boys are like kids waiting for Christmas.


Expedition Leader
I know it is early yet and we are not exactly sure what you are coming up with....but I am going to throw this out there,

How about some Mayan Rally stickers that participants can paste on their rigs for the event? I would be willing to paste some vinyl on my doors for the event or just a bunch of stickers on my truck. I am also not a sticker guy on my trucks so it is a big deal to me! :hehe: :rolleyes:


thanks for these questions, it is very helpful to help us. More details soon but regarding charities:

what I would like to do is to give back a portion of the entry fees to an organism who work on restauring/protecting the Maya sites.
Also we would like to encourage people to do something on their own on the way back...more on this later...

Not sure I like the idea of supporting an "organism". Is this a single-cell or multicellular organism like a fungus? :Wow1:

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