Wes Craiglow
I am building the website for the event, and I'm needing some help writing the FAQ section. So, I'm going to crowdsource the content. (Which for a real FAQ section, is probably how it should go, anyway. )
I can't promise that I'll answer them all, as many things I either don't know, or for the sake of the event remaining somewhat mysterious, will decline to speak about. But, I'll do what I can. The best Q&As from here will be transferred to the website over the coming weeks.
So, what are your questions about the 2012 Maya Rally? Anything goes.
PS> Be sure to keep an eye on www.MayaRally.com for the big premier. Coming soon!
I can't promise that I'll answer them all, as many things I either don't know, or for the sake of the event remaining somewhat mysterious, will decline to speak about. But, I'll do what I can. The best Q&As from here will be transferred to the website over the coming weeks.
So, what are your questions about the 2012 Maya Rally? Anything goes.
PS> Be sure to keep an eye on www.MayaRally.com for the big premier. Coming soon!