So, I'd like to say I've had an exciting weekend working on the truck, but I have to say I'd be lying! I've had the most boring soul destroying two days cleaning and sanding the chassis ready for some paint. Before I parked the truck in the workshop, I steam cleaned it at work, and thought I had it pretty clean... I was wrong! I enlisted the help of a workmate, as it all seems to happen quicker when there's two of you bouncing off each other. Saturday was the most productive, and by Sunday lunch we'd managed to get a full bucket of crud of the chassis, axles and trans. I also managed to undertake a slight suspension lift at the front by means of a 40mm spacer between the springs and the axle. The rear axle already had a 40mm spacer, and just before I started the strip down I measured the difference between the front and rear and 40mm was the difference. With the truck on stands, I lifted the spring off its position and slotted the spacer in (one side at a time!).

Here's the RH side with the spacer in and new U bolts torqued up. The local wrecker didn't have any that were suitable, but the local spring works made these in a few hours.

Next up was to clean the swivel housings. I hadn't realised these are grease filled and not oil... I had a horrible feeling that due to the state of the ball surface that they might be empty! Once cleaned though, they are actually very good. I'm still not convinced that the grease can get to the uni joints though, and am considering trying some EPLO liquid grease in there.

Here's how I left it on Sunday afternoon. I think another weekend of cleaning after fitting a few parts, and tidying the air lines and wiring up should have it somewhere near ready for paint.

Here's the RH side with the spacer in and new U bolts torqued up. The local wrecker didn't have any that were suitable, but the local spring works made these in a few hours.

Next up was to clean the swivel housings. I hadn't realised these are grease filled and not oil... I had a horrible feeling that due to the state of the ball surface that they might be empty! Once cleaned though, they are actually very good. I'm still not convinced that the grease can get to the uni joints though, and am considering trying some EPLO liquid grease in there.

Here's how I left it on Sunday afternoon. I think another weekend of cleaning after fitting a few parts, and tidying the air lines and wiring up should have it somewhere near ready for paint.