MG Metalworks Van Build


The Cummins van gets closer to roadworthy every day. I took a moment to snap some pics of the underside of the van while it is still clean.

I love working with new parts!!!! everything goes together so nice!

Hang in there loyal followers! We are soooooooo close!!!
That is sexy right there I don't care who you are. Next time I go to the pull a part I am going hunt down a ball joint coil sprung D60. I want to do away with the king pin setup I have now.


New member
So, dumb question. Can you not add a longer hose and go to the original factory fuel door or are you afraid it won't fill with out shutting off?


^^^ hates cars
Built to drive my friend, no matter what the conditions are. :)

oh no, there was never any doubt in my mind. i would do the same, but ive never built anything that looked that good underneath when i was done. im a huge advocate of using your toys for what you built them for! if you didnt, id be let down. some people are into projects for the build, then sell and never use to its potential. ive never understood that personally. when i build a toy, i run it into the ground having fun with it. only way to do it imho.


So, dumb question. Can you not add a longer hose and go to the original factory fuel door or are you afraid it won't fill with out shutting off?

The fill path would be all uphill if you tried to fill from the forward fuel door. People who have tried this often have complaints about filling the tank too.

bad luck

I just finished reading the entire thread, to say I'm impressed would be a huge understatement. I'm looking forward to the next update.

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