MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page


Snow on the Roof
Guy, I'm thinking the fly fishing will be held off until mid-July. Get rid of snow melt, drier weather, less bugs. The best time will be in early fall. Sunny, dry days, and cool/cold nights; my favorite time!

This will leave me time to convince Nanc to do a slow circuit around the Central Oregon Cascades, including some coastal time. Three Sisters area, Crater Lake, then down to northern California to finally see Mt Shasta, and revisit the redwoods, Crescent City for fresh fish. The list just goes on and on. Hope I can get her to commit to this. ?

I get my knee replaced in late February, so should be up and running by early May. Lots of PT and workouts at the local Y.

Mandatory pic.

View attachment 557191

This is a Maltec design; a fiberglass/composite tub on a heavily modified 80 series LC. View attachment 557191 I really don't like that spare tire idea on the roof. At my age I can't imagine getting it down without damaging something, me included. Wonder why they didn't put it on that angled rear panel of the unit instead? Co


Snow on the Roof
What to do when you can't go camping? How about eagle watching on Lake Coeur d'Alene?



Immature baldy. Pic taken 4-500' from this little cutie.


Snow on the Roof
It is the best of all worlds when your overlanding partner is also a great driver/navigator, a level headed planner, your best friend, and she happens to be your wife.

Best of Nanc driving 2.jpg


Snow on the Roof

Moab Campsite 2018.jpeg

One of our last trips with the tent trailer. Farewell good friend!
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Active member
Thank you so much for posting all of this information! We are going to Expo this year just to decide on a trailer and this is one in the running, near the front. What is your take on the rear door, like it, ok with it? Is there any kind of screen door or the ability to add one? Have you every felt like it would be nice to have A/C? We have an Australian tent trailer and love it, but are looking to upgrade for all of the reasons you listed.
Anything you would add or remove from the trailer if you did it again? I will say that every email I have sent has been answered very fast and with the requested information. It sure looks like this company is taking off.


Snow on the Roof
WFOORBUST, Very interesting questions. Thanks for asking.

First of all, remember that ours is the very first one of this design that Mark built. We are extremely pleased with it. The two piece back door works well, especially with the step built into the bottom half. Mark has now designed a one piece door that he is using (I believe) on all new builds. We have asked if he can retrofit the new door onto our trailer. Primarily because we like the new locking mechanism. Mark has also upgraded the heating system, the water system, electronics, the dual burner stove, etc. I think all these new additions make the recent version a lot better in minor details than ours. But ours still works perfectly for us.

Because we live in the Pacific Northwest and travel mostly out west I don't think we have ever needed an A/C unit. Humidity is not a real problem out here most of the time. So I can't really judge its usefulness. Same thing with a screen on the back door. We don't fight mosquitoes, etc., that much and haven't needed one. However, if needed I think you could easily build one out of mosquito netting and some magnets. The trailer shell is aluminum so half the magnets would have to be glued onto the frame around the door space and the other half sewn into the edges of the netting fabric. Or there is magnetic tape that would probably work even better. Pretty simple home brew stuff I'd think.

I can tell you from experience that Mark loves his work and what he builds. He is also very busy, and has an incredible wife and three kids he needs to spend time with, and he is a bit of an introvert. So be kind to him, ha ha! He is one of the very best craftsmen I have ever met. I don't want to see him burn out. If you decide to purchase his trailer be assured you will be getting one of the very best!

Oh, if there were one thing I'd like to change....I wish I had Mark install my solar panel onto the top and wire it permanently into the onboard battery system. Why? Just because I'm a bit lazy and that way wouldn't feel obligated to occasionally point it toward the sun. That really does make me sound lazy, doesn't it? :p

Feel free to send any other questions my way. I'll be happy to try to answer them.

Hope to catch you on the trail some time. This pic is from an incredibly typical sunset in western Montana. I took it in September, 2018, while on a trip with a bunch of ROFs in the northwest corner of the state.

NW MT sunset 2018.jpeg


Active member
Super excited to see the trailer in person. The one piece door could be a real game changer for me, I'm pretty wide at the shoulders and stepping up into the trailer might be better? The standard door can be a bit awkward to get in and out of. Thanks again for all of the information that you have posted and for answering all of my questions.
It's a chunk of money for a very specialized item that you can't find a lot of info on. Also nice that your reasons for going hard side is the same for us, makes me feel better about my decision. Already booked our flight and room for expo so we can kick some tires,are you going?


Snow on the Roof
Mark may sweet talk us into going to Expo West. Otherwise, probably not. Both Expo west, which I have attended twice, and Expo East are really getting huge. I am uncomfortable being surrounded by thousands of people like that. Delayed Stress from 50 years ago I suppose.

Last year I wanted to attend all three of Ray and Marianne Hyland's overland rallyes (NWOR, BCOR, & RMOR), which we did. These rallyes tend to be much smaller and intimate. You can actually spend time with the participants and vendors and talk without feeling rushed. We had a great time at all three with family members joining us at two of them. At the Rocky Mountain Overland Rallye, Nanc and I participated in a fly fishing class. I love watching her get more involved in that activity.

Nanc fishing 2019.jpeg

My daughter-in-law wants us to meet up with them for the NWOR in 2020, so will probably do that one. The bonfires and "Burn it!" giveaways every night are epic.

This coming summer SWMBO wants to stay somewhat closer to home. So I am planning three fly fishing adventures in northern Idaho and western Montana. These weeklong events will really be doable because of the 37 gal fresh water and 10 lb propane capabilities of these trailers.

Kokeenee salmon spawning on the BLANK river. You'll have to find it yourself. Will say that mid to late September is the time to be there.


I'd also like to do a circumnavigation of the Central Cascades with stops at Crater Lake, Mt Shasta, the CA Redwoods, and the Oregon coast, but will have to see if I can convince Nanc to participate. And, that adventure would allow me to stop off in Crescent City, CA, and stuff myself with fresh seafood!

I still dream of a month or so next winter (2021) down in Baja. So maybe I can convince you to join us in that adventure. I don't know if northern California is so bad in Jan/Feb, but we just got 8-1/2" of snow yesterday and more coming all next week. Now that I'm 71 y.o. I'd like to spend some winter time with my feet in the Gulf of Cortez eating fish tacos and watching my wife swim in the warm, clear water. The area north of La Pas looks enticing.

Cabo San Lucas last winter. We helped our family join us down there for 10 days. Two of the grandkids flew in from France, a girlfriend from England, our son, his wife, and our daughter from the states, my daughter-in-law's mother from Mexico, and our grandaughter-in-law and great grandaughter from Cancun. It was the 10 best days of my life. Dang, two good Cuban cigars in my pocket! Life is short. It is up to you to decide what you will do with the time you have. Be good to your family, be gentle on our planet. BTW, after 47 years together I still think my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world!

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Snow on the Roof
If you haven't been to any of the Overland Rallyes I strongly urge you to go to at least one of them. The Northwest Overland Rally is in my home state and in a beautiful area. Great time! The BC Overland Rally is dynamic, still smaller than the NWOR but completely full of mischevious Canadians. Beware! They really know how to have fun! The Rocky Mountain Overland Rally was really fun for us because of its location. Nanc and I used to live in Montrose, CO, back in the mid-70's. So getting back to Gunnison, CO, was really enjoyable. One word of warning; be on guard for Crazy Bill and his whiskey tasting session. Bill attends all of the overland rallyes and his sessions are awesome! We have the complete collection of 2019 shot glasses given away at these events.
Bring your favorite whiskey to share and be prepared to explain why you think it is so special. Don't worry, you probably won't remember a lot of what you said if you stay for the whole event. The last one I participated in at the RMOR had something like 40+ bottles of whiskey to taste! I have to be careful, I don't have that many grey cells left.

I brought a bottle of Woodinville Bourbon to these events. One to each event I should say. Delicious small batch stuff from Washington State. My favorite.

Crazy Bill II.jpgCrazy Bill whiskey .jpg

Bill's company, Overland Kitchen, creates these beautiful kitchen setups for 5th gen Runners. Check them out. They are great!
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