Response to Mr. Blindbatled
Yes, the beast is friendly, comfortable, runs well, is capable of going almost anywhere and will keep one secure and comfortable in all conditions. I am low functioning and slow to learn. For example, thirty one years ago my wife and I were backpacking. We returned to the trailhead at Horseshoe Meadows in the Sierras and met some friends who were camping in their cabover. My wife has me on a social skills program therefore I thought I would demonstrate consideration to our friends by reducing my odor and improving my hygiene and cleanliness. As I was beginning my sponge bath in 50 degree temperatures out in the bushes when our friends offered us a shower (with warm water) in their cabover. The AATREC has allowed us comfort in the beautiful outback and reduced my need to take sponge baths in the bushes.
Tragically my wife's health now makes it "risky" for her to climb in and out of the cab of the truck and the cabin. Rather than risk her well being we have decided to sell. My advice is not to get older.