Mitsubishi Montero Dash, Console, and Interior LED Bulb Replacement, Gen 2.5


For the lights that indicate the gear shift that are green.... Is the dash unit area have the green built in or would I have to order the green led lights individually?


Post #1 details the "indicator/lens color"--lens color would be the actual color of the transparent dash lens that each particular bulb shines through. That said, if you buy white bulbs, all your dash indicators will display the stock colors. Good luck.
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For the lights that indicate the gear shift that are green.... Is the dash unit area have the green built in or would I have to order the green led lights individually?

I used six T5 5050 SMD white bulbs and they show through green as the dash is colored. Four of these will also work to light up the green rear/front wheel drive indicator. eBay sells the bulbs very cheaply.

They're pole sensitive, so if you install one and it doesn't light up, flip it around to change the poles (+/-). Little bit of a pain as you have to have at least one side of the dash still plugged it.


Am I the only that has this problem?

I noticed on the Type DE3032 (DE3175) Festoon Link, bulbs that are for the IV. Map Lights, Passenger Lights, Cargo Light, Door Courtesy Lights, Haven't tried the map lights yet, but on the passenger lights I had to bend the contacts to the limits but still cant them in? Got the door courtesy lights in and bent those and managed to get them in.

Edit: managed to get the LEDs in both the overhead light and rear cargo, but they aren't coming on. Tried attaching leads to the actual bulbs so I know they are working LEDs, both lights worked prior to swapping in LEDs. Including pictures of each incase there is something blatantly obvious I did; maybe the spring end of the contact bottoming out on case?


thanks for looking.
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Biker, you probably know this, but I'll say it anyway...the LEDs are directional, did you reverse them in the sockets to see if they worked seated in the opposite direction?

Also, I had to disassemble both of the light housings you pictured and sand the switch contacts so they would work consistently. They were tarnished and all caked up with old dielectric grease. Before I did this the lights would often flicker, or not light at all. If you disassemble the rear hatch light housing, watch out for the spring loaded ball bearing contact in the switch lever, it likes to fly and get lost.

Last, remember that both housings need to be mounted for the circuits to be grounded. If you plugged the housings into the power connectors, but didn't screw the housings into in the roof of the vehicle, they won't light.

Bending the contacts in the housings shouldn't make much difference, unless like you mentioned, it's making them ground out.

Good luck!
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New member
Great writeup! i used this to replace all of mine with blue LEDs. The only issue i had was the new compass bulbs were super bright and didn't dim so i ended up taking them back out.


I think the first post contains an error. it calls for "Type DE3032 (DE3175) -- Qty: 7", but I should it be DE3022? a few posts down, it does reference DE3022.

googling DE3032 brings back nothing LED related, DE3022 is chalked full of interior light related stuff


this is how I got these two to fit in. All of the others fit with just a little bending, these required a special touch.



New member
2005 Montero Limited Cluster LED Bulb Replacement?

I have a 2005 Montero Limited. I want to replace the factory cluster/instrument panel bulbs with brighter LED bulbs. My factory bulbs appear to be all one piece: bulb & socket. Therefore, I cannot separate the bulbs from the socket as shown in your picture.

I have attached pictures of the front and back of my cluster as well as all three bulbs that I want to replace.

Front Cluster:
Front Cluster.jpg

Back Cluster:

Bulb Picture:

(1) The smallest bulb indicates T5 on the bottom of the socket.

(2) The larger blue bulb indicates 70 on upper left side of the socket and 8 on the lower right side of the socket.

(3) The medium clear bulb indicates 70 on the upper left side of the socket and 4 on the lower right side of the socket.

Can someone tell me which LED bulbs do I need to purchase to replace these three bulbs?

Any help would be appreciated.


AllofUs, the bulb in the right of your picture with the flat base looks like a Neo Wedge type bulb, what size I'm not sure, maybe T4. The others I'm not sure about, but check this --> link You might want to order one of each to see if they're a match.

I guess you're blazing the trail on this one...I don't remember any other Gen 3 owners converting to LEDs in the dash.

Good luck!
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New member
hello everyone. just wanted to be sure, what bulb am I going to use for the Center Console Shift Indicator? Is it t5 or t10? thanks in advance

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