
Well, plans changed some. I was going to buy a rear bumper soon, but it looks like I'm going to inherit a trailer (through someone buying a newer one! No one died!), It's the larger harbor freight tilt trailer. I'm planning on making a trailer to mount the spare tire/tent on, and carry the stuff I don't want in the cab, like chairs, stove, possibly my tool box (I get tired of hearing it rattle), cooler, shovel, axe, etc. I'm pretty excited to get the build started. I'll be sure to document the build as soon as I start it...


Here is the trailer. I took the wood platform off the top to see what I could do with it to bob it down to a good size.

If you see behind the wheel, the leaf spring mounts to a reinforced section that sticks out. That is where I'm going to end the trailer. It will be 70" long. I'm thinking about going to the junkyard and getting 2 full size leaf springs, or 2 leaves off of a smaller truck and moving the front wheels forward/lifting the trailer to the same height.
Sorry for the blurry pic, but I'm also going to eliminate the "v" going up to the hitch and make it 1 straight bar.

This is what I'm going to copy for the trailer itself:

With a tilt lid and my RTT on it like so:

It will open from the rear to drop down and be able to hold me on it, as well as double as a kitchen.

Can't wait to get started on it. I hope to be working on it next week.


Finally got to do some more work to the trailer. Pretty excited with how it's coming out.

I have the leaf springs from ibanezer's XJ (factory) mounted in a semi-perm way. They are in the place they are going to be, but not mounted properly. I have to weld in a couple tabs and get the right bolts. Trailer sits about 19-22" high. Axle is under there, but also have to get some parts. I am going to look into getting a different axle with the same bolt patter and something a tad wider to allow me to run matching tires, or close to matching.
20160616_193021 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr
20160616_205408 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr
20160616_215407 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr
20160617_070639 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr

What's the best/cheapest source for a pintle hook and linnet ring?


hoping to get leafs mounted this week, and going to make the hitch that K2ZJ linked above. Friend who welds said he can make one in a few minutes if I get the parts. Thankfully I work at a place that has some pretty good vacation (4 week, get a 5th week next year) and I've only take 4 days this I'm going to start burning through some vacation to get this done and take some trips.


thats the harbor freight 4x8- its a great trailer, but really surprised you'd bob it. Its really really convenient as a 4x8, it fits sheet rock, etc with no issues. You can get the smaller 3x5's from harbor freight for usually less than 200, which would have been my choice here, as the wheels are already centered, and is a smaller track. But free is free. :)


It was nice as a 4x8, but now I have access to a 14' untility dove tailed trailer within 5 minutes of my house, as well as a car hauler (seen a few pics above) anytime I want. And like you said, free is free. So far I think I'm going to get away with under $100 total for this trailer build.


Started on the trailer some more. Needed to figure out how to get the leaf spings mounted. They are mounted on the outside, and then we cut braces and put them up against it on the inside. Literally just need bolts for the leafs, and make spring plates for the top of the leafs and I'll have everything but the tongue done.
Here is the first side mocked up vs. the other side not so you can see how it was cut to work.
20160622_182750 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr
Welding the existing HF spring mounts to make them stronger
20160622_190923 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr
And somehow I managed to not get a pic of it when we got done...but there will be more to come. Most likely this Sunday will be the next chance I get to work on it though.


You might recall that when I went on the KAT with Ibanezer, I demolished my pass side rocker, with the help of rocks, water, and a large amount of Michigan rust. I got tired (and honestly, a little embarrassed) of having a good looking Jeep, with a giant rust hole in the side. So I took care of it.

Nowhere near perfect, but looks a lot better than rust holes.
Ol' rusty
20160627_181806 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr

Found some white 5.9 ZJ rockers at the junkyard awhile back. Painted them to match. All the tabs were the rocker should mount are rusty, and not worth using. So I just screwed it on (redneck a little, I know)

Looks better!
20160627_192306 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr


Got everything to make the 3 axis coupler, dropping it off tonight to a friends house for him to weld it up.

Also rewound the winch line last night. Dropping the tank today to fix the gas leak. Leaf springs are mounted on the trailer. Going to mount the axle this weekend and hopefully the tongue. Then it's just a matter of putting all the wood on :)


No updates = work getting done...usually...

Painted and ready to get building on it.
20160707_125027 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr

Mock up with one wall
20160707_154459 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr

4 walls mocked up, I have to straighten everything out still, but tested it this weekend.
20160707_181608 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr

Tarp for a cover for now...
20160708_161329 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr

Home is where you park it...went to Land Between the Lakes for the weekend and had a great time.
20160709_075242 by Mitch McCoy, on Flickr

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