Most Carried Load on ur Crusier Thread....


Since when did this board attract so many butthurt people? Without going into my qualifications as a driver, its safe to say that the load was under control, was not to much for the rig, and yes driving slow is classified as "common sense" anytime when hauling a load. Everyone should take a breath, exhale, and relax. Jeez......


I don't own a trailer, but my local UHaul (which is between me and my local LOWES) rents a 5x8 trailer for 13$ a day (24 hours). Only takes a day or so of foresight to make a reservation, and the price is right.

Carried home my shed kit and some garage storage in one trip, carried home the foundation and deck on the weekend prior..



Now that is a great idea Bushmaster6. For only $13 you got your heavy load back home safely with no risk to your fellow drivers out there. I'll have to do that instead of renting a truck next time.


Since when did this board attract so many butthurt people? Without going into my qualifications as a driver, its safe to say that the load was under control, was not to much for the rig, and yes driving slow is classified as "common sense" anytime when hauling a load. Everyone should take a breath, exhale, and relax. Jeez......

I may sound like a prick now, but I know people that spent the night in jail for stupid things in the past that involved autos, and that's one of the many butthurts i'm trying to avoid in my life.


For the record, it was only 1675lbs, 67 lbs a sheet, not 2000lbs. Let's get the facts correct. That is only 8 people that weight 209lbs each. The weight is a lot but it worked out for him.

How much did the springs sag?

I want to see pictures of how the rack attaches to the truck? Rain gutters?


RonL, here is a pic of the outback roofrack - full length - "pic is from african outback's website". The racks mount on rails running from the front to rear of the roof, both sides & is aluminum. It is one of the stoutest racks ive seen & used. Ive put a lot up there on trips - they're awesome.
Trump & Sprocket - no need for your dramatics here - this thread started out with good intentions, but you guyes decided to be the @ssh0le! principal in the school yard - Take it somewhere else like tacomaterritory where you'd fit in better.

For the record, it was only 1675lbs, 67 lbs a sheet, not 2000lbs. Let's get the facts correct. That is only 8 people that weight 209lbs each. The weight is a lot but it worked out for him.

How much did the springs sag?

I want to see pictures of how the rack attaches to the truck? Rain gutters?


  • outbackroofrackcruiser.jpg
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Wow folks, relax.

Sometimes things need to be done that are not the "safest". Oh well. Just for comparison, In my hay hauling days we put 108 200lb bales in the back of a 1 ton ford dually. The axles hit the bumpstops at about 80 bales. Safe? No. Necessary? Yes.


Expedition Leader
Wow folks, relax.

Sometimes things need to be done that are not the "safest". Oh well. Just for comparison, In my hay hauling days we put 108 200lb bales in the back of a 1 ton ford dually. The axles hit the bumpstops at about 80 bales. Safe? No. Necessary? Yes.
Amen. I'm all for safety, but I don't think the guy was doing 75 down the freeway. sometimes you just HAVE TO do some things that, well, most folks wouldn't advise. From the sound of things here I think folks would blow a lid if they saw the loads that I was hauling nearly daily in the back of my HZJ75 UTE (mostly large loads of either horse feed/hay or fire wood). Granted I was on dirt tracks on private propertyu but hey, it HAD TO BE DONE. ANd I drove real slow so...

Oh and BTW: I'm REAL impressed with that rack...That thing is as stout as eh.





Wow folks, relax.

Sometimes things need to be done that are not the "safest". Oh well. Just for comparison, In my hay hauling days we put 108 200lb bales in the back of a 1 ton ford dually. The axles hit the bumpstops at about 80 bales. Safe? No. Necessary? Yes.

Regardless of weight (darn near 11 tons), I am trying to visualize that much hay in a small truck bed and I cant, they must have been stacked, what, 40' high?


this thread started out with good intentions

Whatever you need to tell yourself. Would you recommend people overloading vehicles and taking to the road? That's the message this thread seems to promote. "I saw this guy that did the same thing before... I don't understand what went wrong?"

Safe? No. Necessary? Yes.

but hey, it HAD TO BE DONE.

Not sure I understand where you two are coming from with the necessity of doing this.


New member
I think it's pretty impressive that the rack and roof could handle it. And for a short distance at low speeds, I don't see it being that unsafe...


Expedition Leader
I carry 525 gallons of water approximately 10 miles one way in my SRW GMC3500 to my house each few weeks since I don't have city water or a has airbags and upgraded springs but I would guess that 525 x 8.34lbs = more than the trucks payload capacity...I drive slow and haul water at times of the day when there is little traffic...
I have also carried over 40 16 foot 2x6 redwood planks on the cab of my tacoma on yakima load bars home from Home Depot...the bars were permanently bent along with where the landing pads touched the cab of my truck...both are probably point is...
I am sure everyone has done something they may later regret or think when they get that was stupid...I think people should relax...
On the other hand if you post pictures or ask questions on any forum I think you should be prepared to take a beating...Look at my most recent post of which I am now permanently scarred by..."carrying a spare tire on your hood"...I have and will continue to think...why did I post this stupid question... :ylsmoke:
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Expo Approved™
I think the fact that people are condoning this is disturbing. Physics apply to everyone, even if you are "safe".


Expedition Leader
Risk and reward.

Reward = drywall at home

Risk = accident. How would you defend against a personal lawsuit from somebody you rear-ended?

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