Most Carried Load on ur Crusier Thread....


Umm, read the thread. And also, have you ever hauled hay? Don't call me a liar unless you were there counting the bales.

Also, if you have something to bring to the discussion, then do so. Calling people stupid irresponsible liars adds nothing to the thread and makes you look like a 3rd grader.

However, you seem to be drinking the koolaid, so don't let me stand in your way.


20,000lbs and 100+ bales of hay in the back of a pickup truck with an 8ft bed. ya right. :rolleyes:

if you are in the business and circumstance of baling and delivering hay, then you should also have access to a half decent trailer.
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20,000lbs and 100+ bales of hay in the back of a pickup truck with an 8ft bed. ya right. :rolleyes:

if you are in the business and circumstance of baling and delivering hay, then you should also have access to a half decent trailer.

Whatever dude..... :rolleyes:
see my sig line.


Expedition Leader

20,000lbs and 100+ bales of hay in the back of a pickup truck with an 8ft bed. ya right. :rolleyes:

if you are in the business and circumstance of baling and delivering hay, then you should also have access to a half decent trailer.

I LOVE IT!!!!...
I think this topic should be submitted to Mythbusters...Most bales hauled in an 8 foot bed...most sheets of rock on an SUV...biggest trailer hauled with no brakes...etc... I am sure I threw in a few "extra" board feet in my hauling post...
Or maybe we should start a new thread...(BiggeSt LOADS)

Seems a lot like the post "Scariest/Freaky moments When Camping or Offroad"...everybody loves a little embellishment...:)
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Grease Cruiser

Let's get this thread back on track.....

.......for whatever that means.

My old 1995 HZJ75 carrying 3400 lbs of flagstone.

Please don't shun me...... The 75's are considered a 1.25 ton truck and it was only 750 lbs over it's "official" GVW but it handled fine. The rear springs were not even on the bottom overloads yet. I have seen much heavier loads on these trucks in Central America......not saying that it is the right thing to do.

The wife picked this up for our patio project and she drove it home like this a few miles on country back roads.

I told her to pick out a pallet of flag stone for the project but I did not realize how heavy it was until she showed me the weight receipt.

***Disclaimer*** I do not condone overloading your vehicles as it can greatly affect the handling of your vehicle. Please check your vehicles GVW and do not exceed it.

Also, many of you (myself included) should check the weight of your vehicles once you are fully loaded for touring. With all of the accessories we add, along with all of our gear and the weight of the occupants, I bet many of us are close to, if not over the GVW of our vehicles. Food for thought.


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So....this horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, " Hey, why the long face?"

Why are we still bickering about this? Please, please let this thread die. Let's write/respond/talk about why LC's are awesome!

Ok, I'm done. :victory:


That is a lot of d/w to put up that high.

As far as the bales go, a flatbed one ton truck with 7 x 12 bed would have to be loaded about 12 feet above the deck. not so impossible, I don't think, and even though I'm sure they felt like 200 lbs, they were probably more like 100 which is a pretty heavy bale and would have loaded the truck to about 5 tons which happens all the time.

I put a bucketload of pit run in the back of my 3/4 ton Dodge that didn't fill the bed halfway and it was 4100 lbs at the scale.



right or wrong..... WAY TO GO! I appload you! I didnt know my cruiser would hold that.

I have put some crap in my 80, I have driven it someplaces I didnt think I could go. Everytime I always come away going DAMN! didnt know it would do it. I love 80's and I love seeing that other people push it.

I would have thought my roof would cave in. But I guess that damn roof rack is bullet proof, now I want one of those too... thanks alot!!!

The rest of you piss off! open a new catagory called "safe in my shell" and post there. I appload the guy for pushing his truck and having the "back bone" to a bunch folks that are just going to give him crap. Yeah its alot! but the damn truck held it and drove it! see if some other POS can do it.

You go and amen to the 80!


Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
.......Also, many of you (myself included) should check the weight of your vehicles once you are fully loaded for touring. With all of the accessories we add, along with all of our gear and the weight of the occupants, I bet many of us are close to, if not over the GVW of our vehicles. Food for thought.

Thanks Grease Cruiser!!

I thought I was going to read 6 pages and not get anything out of it.

That's some good advice, I know my CJ is over it's GVW when fully loaded and the had top/hard doors on.

With the soft top/1/2 doors, I think it was 100 lbs under:snorkel:


right or wrong..... WAY TO GO! I appload you! I didnt know my cruiser would hold that.

I have put some crap in my 80, I have driven it someplaces I didnt think I could go. Everytime I always come away going DAMN! didnt know it would do it. I love 80's and I love seeing that other people push it.

I would have thought my roof would cave in. But I guess that damn roof rack is bullet proof, now I want one of those too... thanks alot!!!

The rest of you piss off! open a new catagory called "safe in my shell" and post there. I appload the guy for pushing his truck and having the "back bone" to a bunch folks that are just going to give him crap. Yeah its alot! but the damn truck held it and drove it! see if some other POS can do it.

You go and amen to the 80!


of course the 80-series fanboy will applaud this situation... if it were on the roof of a Range Rover Classic, would you feel the same way? :rolleyes:


Also, many of you (myself included) should check the weight of your vehicles once you are fully loaded for touring. With all of the accessories we add, along with all of our gear and the weight of the occupants, I bet many of us are close to, if not over the GVW of our vehicles. Food for thought.

your 75 was not overloaded in the same sense that the OP's LC was overloaded with 2000lbs ON THE ROOF. if it weren't for the picture, i'd call bullsh!t because it would be otherwise as unbelievable (literally and figuratively) as the idiot who claimed he hauled 20,000lbs (100+ bales of hay) in the back of his pickup truck. that much weight would bend the frame.


That is a lot of d/w to put up that high.

As far as the bales go, a flatbed one ton truck with 7 x 12 bed would have to be loaded about 12 feet above the deck. not so impossible, I don't think, and even though I'm sure they felt like 200 lbs, they were probably more like 100 which is a pretty heavy bale and would have loaded the truck to about 5 tons which happens all the time.

I put a bucketload of pit run in the back of my 3/4 ton Dodge that didn't fill the bed halfway and it was 4100 lbs at the scale.

The baler that we used would consistantly put out a 175lb bale with variations up to about 215 and down to 150 or so---they were very heavy bales. Also, for some reason, this field's bales looked and felt bigger than normal. I wil concede that I did not weigh each bale and as it was the end of the season, my calibrated elbows may have needed adjustment, but the 108 bale figure is fact. For compromises sake, lets call the bales 175 as that was normal for the baler. Moving on.

your 75 was not overloaded in the same sense that the OP's LC was overloaded with 2000lbs ON THE ROOF. if it weren't for the picture, i'd call bullsh!t because it would be otherwise as unbelievable (literally and figuratively) as the idiot who claimed he hauled 20,000lbs (100+ bales of hay) in the back of his pickup truck. that much weight would bend the frame.

You must be some kind of automotive engineer. Do you have any hard data to back up your claims? Do you know what the tensile strength of the steel in the frame is? Do you know how much weight the springs were supporting versus how much the bumpstops were supporting? Give it up already. You do not know everything and your name calling and unfounded assertions detract from the forum.

If you have any real world experience to share then do so; if not, quit clogging up this thread with your drivel.

For the record, I agree with Bloo.

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