Needle Bearing T.S.B. 02/26/2016
As many have read and done extensive research the Toyota Clam-Shell Needle Bearing is a weak and annoying problem on most 4WD Toyota's.
The guy's over at East Coast Gear Supply (ECGS) have created a solution with a solid bushing.
This bushing replaced the needle bearing and drastically eliminates the play and shimming on the drivers side.
Toyota has a TSB for this problem, they replace the old bearing with a "Better" needle bearing.... I was lucky enough to get my buddy, a tech at Toyota to put in the solid ECGS bushing instead of the NEW TSB Needle Bearing :wings: here are the pictures taken the day of the install.
Solid, bushing form East Coast Gear Supply.
NEW Toyota T.S.B. Needle Bearing.
NEW Toyota T.S.B. Needle Bearing.
Solid, bushing form East Coast Gear Supply.
All Done..!!!