Must haves, dont bothers, not needed but really cool. What's on the list?


New member
I am absolutly inthrawed by the subject matter and lifestyle of this forum. I am searching for my rig. I have found one but not acuired it yet, going to pick it up soon. I cant wait to share.
I am quite the gear freak and into all the bells and whistles. Being new to the forum and overland expeditions in general. I would like to get the most bang for my buck, not be overloaded and weighted down with useless crap, and but have a quality collection of must haves and might needs.
So what are they? I would love any info on the things that meet the above critetia. I have a feeling someone will say it depends on what I am doing on my excursions. I will be camping, fishing (surf & Kayak), Trail and offroading. I am looking to compile a good general list of things to have regardless of occasion. Thanks for your time.



Must haves:
+ good compressor fridge or cool box
+ recovery strap and shackels (+ 1 or 2 spares)
+ 12V rechargable outdoor lantern (better than gas light)
+ long handle shovel

+ hand saw for thick branches (& fire wood)
+ axe

* electric winch (oh - I'll get spanked for this!)

Don't bother:
- an array of driving lights


Okay, I've seen a bunch of vehicles with snorkels. With today's modern trucks, just how much can you dunk the engine compartment and not end up with electrical problems. And how many have forded a stream deep enough to actually need a snorkel. I now their cool looking, but useful?


Okay, I've seen a bunch of vehicles with snorkels. With today's modern trucks, just how much can you dunk the engine compartment and not end up with electrical problems. And how many have forded a stream deep enough to actually need a snorkel. I now their cool looking, but useful?

I for one have been in a few water crossings that made my butt pucker since I dont have a snorkel.. its more of an insurance thing.. The air intake on modern rigs are farther out front and lower than ever which makes snorkels more needed.. And my B-I-L could have used one on his Olds sedan about 10 years ago.. went in a puddle during a bad storm and sucked water into the air filter.. luckily no damage but had to pull the filter just to get it to run.. and most modern electronics are well sealed and can take a good soak now and then..

Deleted member 9101

Spare bulbs, and for a trailer..spare lights.
Di-electrode grease
The biggest zip ties you can find


New member
Great stuff guys keep it comming. BTW my wife says thank you to those who talked me out of my lil heavy trailer I wanted to buy. THis is info may seem a lil basic but for a newbie like myself it great thanks.


Another use for them besides deep water is to get your air intake up above the dust from the road, especially if you are following someone in a group.


can find vehicle in mall parking lot.

Okay, I've seen a bunch of vehicles with snorkels. With today's modern trucks, just how much can you dunk the engine compartment and not end up with electrical problems. And how many have forded a stream deep enough to actually need a snorkel. I now their cool looking, but useful?

It would be great for cruising main street on Saturday night!

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
Must have:
  • Desire to go places
  • Reliable means of transportation to get you there and back home

Don't bother:
  • Buying stuff because it looks cool or other people say it's must have

Not needed but really cool.
  • This you will find out by experience

Everybody's need is different. My gear evolved over time. Constantly some stuff gets added, some other deleted. I noticed that stuff I bought after a trip because I missed having it normally then stayed with me a long time, and stuff I bought because it appeared to be cool or because other people said it was a must have where just dead weight in my box and ultimately got deleted. My $1.99 plastic wash basin gets a lot more use than my cool looking hilift jack, but nobody will tell you how cool and practical a plastic wash basin is. :elkgrin:


OverCamping Specialist
Another use for them besides deep water is to get your air intake up above the dust from the road, especially if you are following someone in a group.
That is the main reason for my snorkel, did not buy it for water crossings.

Where we like to explore there will be 15 rigs playing follow the leader, and and a hot summer day, the dirt/dust is blowing everywhere getting kicked up by the rigs in front of you.

The snorkel really helps in that situation.
Mine did save my engine though from hydrolock the first week after the snorkel was installed.

From ARBs site:



Active member
Must have:
  • Desire to go places
  • Reliable means of transportation to get you there and back home

Don't bother:
  • Buying stuff because it looks cool or other people say it's must have

Not needed but really cool.
  • This you will find out by experience

I couldn't agree more! I always get a chuckle out these threads. Truth is EVERY single situation is different. The climate, time of year, location, vehicle, number of passengers, activities, etc, etc dictate what you "need" to pack.

I will echo The Swiss's list somewhat:
Must haves
  • Getting out there and exploring.
  • Vehicle: reliable and suited for the conditions......I know of a guy and beat up Saturn that have wandered all over the west deserts of Utah. Ideal? For his him it totally is.
  • Telling someone where you are going and when you will be back. Also sign in at trailhead sign in's if there is one.
  • Know when to turn back
  • Don't be afraid of hiking when you vehicle or driving skills are not up to the terrain.
  • First aid kit of some sort.
  • Extra water/ food just in case you get stranded.

    The rest will come as it presents itself. Basically if it gets you out there and back safe its a necessity. The rest is just fluff that makes it more comfortable or makes you look cooler when you post online.......

    I think most over pack, gadgets are cool but if you don't need them you don't need them.....I am guilty of this myself. Often I get back from a trip only to realize I didnt end up using several items and they just took up precious space.....

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