To get motivated I worked towards firing the engine up as soon as possible. I knew it wouldn't be drivable but I just wanted to hear it. I didnt have the y pipe in so no O2 sensors, my intake is still in the mail so no MAF/IAT sensor. But that didnt matter. I primed the fuel system multiple times, checking for leaks. All looked good so I hit the key and it fired right up. Open exhaust manifolds and all at 11pm. This was huge for me. First time re-working an engine harness to make it standalone, first time installing an engine not original to a vehicle, first time doing an extensive re-wire of a vehicle, and it all went perfectly.
After that victory is back to figuring out all the little details that go into making a vehicle move. I went to rockauto, autozone, and advance auto and all of thier databases agreed that I needed a Moog 290 u joint for the rear driveshaft. Wrong. Because my truck has the semi float 9.5in 14 bolt instead of the 8.5 10 bolt it uses standard Spicer 1350 joints on both ends of the driveshaft. That crossed to a Moog 232 that was in stock locally so I bought one to get me going again. I'll order some solid u joints later.
I got a spectre intake from autozone so I could atleast drive the truck for now. The Hummer H2 intake I have on order should fit nicer into the space on top of the wheel well leaving room for a second battery later.
I had problems with the power steering not working at all. Turned out to be the oring on the return line in the gearbox was cut so the pump was just sucking air I'm guessing. Once I figured that out I was able to bleed it just turning the wheel back and forth. I ordered the adapter kit for my hand vacuum pump so I can bleed it more thoroughly. I put the y pipe on so I could install the up stream O2 sensors and go for a drive. It was stupid loud obviously but everything was working well.
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