My Disco Builds


Finally new stuff

Well I started getting stuff together to put the 97 back together...

First off new/used rear hubs since the old ones are a little buggered up...

All of the new stuff for the 97 came in from Atlantic British


And a few things for the 99 was also acquired from a few sources


New rear brake rotors and hubs ready to be bolted on.


And when I removed the rear spacers I found something else to fix on the 97 :(

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And some Rovertracks trailing arms for the rear to replace the stock stuff.


Also added some rear spring isolators to help out with the ride and add a little bit of lift.


And some rear lower shock mounts


And Mmmm this looks might nice


Now to the front suspension pics

D2 front tower mounts are a direct swap along with spring isolators giving a little bit of lift and some rubber between the springs and frame.



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looks good tim. wes is coming up to huntsville tomorrow so i'm gonna try to get him to stop and get the wipers to get to you on saturday. you need anything else?


looks good tim. wes is coming up to huntsville tomorrow so i'm gonna try to get him to stop and get the wipers to get to you on saturday. you need anything else?

I dont' think so thanks man. Unless you want to build me a slimline front bumper for my birthday in a week.


mmm XZL's those things are sooo sick.. better than AT's from the word on the street.... unfortunately within the next few months I'm going to have to get new tires for my SIII :)

wife will not be happy w/ my decision

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Looks great. I look forward to your impressions on how they ride, drive, wheel, etc.

Considering these for my 95 Classic. Scott, do you have an impression on these? I know they are a much stiffer tire, but I am assuming you could run a lower pressure for running around town and get a little softer ride?




Jrose609 would love to see some pics of your 300 tdi in the Disco. I have one in my 1996 and really like it. bit slow on the take off but sounds great. who is doing your work?


Expedition Leader
Fuel Pump was replaced with a GM unit


Then I picked up another set of offroad tires

Man, you know things are bad when GM anything is looked at as an upgrade...

BUT, those are some SEXY wheels and tires. I LOVE those, can you say "tall and skinny" O BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry mate, I just really love those wheels and tires.

Still, those are two neat trucks, as I've said, reliabilituy aside, I do like those rigs, they just scream Adventure eh. kind of like a Series/Defender or an older Landcruiser (still my personaly pref ;) ) Polus there's just so much aftermarket out there and nearly every problem area has been addressed multiple times over.

Question though: if you've got one why not try something else (an 80 Series comes to mind) or was the price of 3K just too good to passs up (to me something with a CEL isn't worth 3K espescially a 10 y/o Rover but that's just me) ??? Is it running well despite the light??? I mean is, is that just an annoying light that doesn't corespond to actual engine troubles, or some annoying issue that doesn't effect driving like a broken map light or something lame???

I guess it is hard to beat those rigs for 3K in terms of comfort/interior appointments for a DD. Not to mention SFA and coil'd. You could pick up an XJ but then you'd still have issues and it'd probably be older. 3K around here wouldn't get you an 80series worth considering. You could get an old 84/85 SFA 4Runner, but it'd be rough at 3K or some idiot would have "modified it" beyond belief and it would cost an arm and a leg to return to road-worthy status. And not everyone can be happy in an Old Toyota like me but I still suggest you try it ;)
So when I put it like that I guess the DII was a good choice HAHAHAHAHAH

2nd Query: Why, when your rear diff went out, did you loose your hubs etc??? I'm just not understanding the chain of events that led to tha5t I guess. :???: Don't Rovers just have drive flanges/plated on the rear axle or did you have rear manual lock hubs on it???


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I tried to get an FZJ-80 Cruiser w/lockers for my next vehicle but both deals did not work out. And this deal came up so I said why not get it since I could move all of my mods over and not start from the ground up again.

To answer the 2nd question. The spider gears in the rear diff somehow got jacked up and locked up the rear diff which in turn caused the rear axles to sheer the hub bolts and I didn't want to have to drill out the old bolts so I picked up another set of hubs off ebay.


Expedition Leader
I tried to get an FZJ-80 Cruiser w/lockers for my next vehicle but both deals did not work out. And this deal came up so I said why not get it since I could move all of my mods over and not start from the ground up again.

To answer the 2nd question. The spider gears in the rear diff somehow got jacked up and locked up the rear diff which in turn caused the rear axles to sheer the hub bolts and I didn't want to have to drill out the old bolts so I picked up another set of hubs off ebay.

Ahhh,I see, I didn't realize that you were moving things onto the newtruck. That makes sence.

Bummer about the hub's and axle, that must have been a lame trip eh...




Jrose609 would love to see some pics of your 300 tdi in the Disco. I have one in my 1996 and really like it. bit slow on the take off but sounds great. who is doing your work?

Not to hijack Timmy's thread, but I'm going to start a little Tdi thread here probably next week. I'm getting the Disco on Friday. I have lots of pics, but can't seem to upload them for some reason. Keep getting an error. Doug Shipman in Portland is helping me out on the install.

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