Fuel Pump was replaced with a GM unit
Then I picked up another set of offroad tires
Man, you know things are bad when GM anything is looked at as an
BUT, those are some SEXY wheels and tires. I LOVE those, can you say "tall and skinny" O BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry mate, I just really love those wheels and tires.
Still, those are two neat trucks, as I've said, reliabilituy aside, I do like those rigs, they just scream Adventure eh. kind of like a Series/Defender or an older Landcruiser (still my personaly pref

) Polus there's just so much aftermarket out there and nearly every problem area has been addressed multiple times over.
Question though: if you've got one why not try something else (an 80 Series comes to mind) or was the price of 3K just too good to passs up (to me something with a CEL isn't worth 3K espescially a 10 y/o Rover but that's just me) ??? Is it running well despite the light??? I mean is, is that just an annoying light that doesn't corespond to actual engine troubles, or some annoying issue that doesn't effect driving like a broken map light or something lame???
I guess it is hard to beat those rigs for 3K in terms of comfort/interior appointments for a DD. Not to mention SFA and coil'd. You could pick up an XJ but then you'd still have issues and it'd probably be older. 3K around here wouldn't get you an 80series worth considering. You could get an old 84/85 SFA 4Runner, but it'd be rough at 3K or some idiot would have "modified it" beyond belief and it would cost an arm and a leg to return to road-worthy status. And not everyone can be happy in an Old Toyota like me but I still suggest you try it

So when I put it like that I guess the DII was a good choice HAHAHAHAHAH
2nd Query: Why, when your
rear diff went out, did you loose your hubs etc??? I'm just not understanding the chain of events that led to tha5t I guess. :???: Don't Rovers just have drive flanges/plated on the rear axle or did you have rear manual lock hubs on it???