My DIY solution to the UEV 440


That's a good thing, means you are in a lot better shape than you thought!

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That's a good thing, means you are in a lot better shape than you thought!

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Ok so apparently im an idiot and didnt understand how to accuratly measure tongue weight. So now that i know how to do it correctly i will get it done once i get it back inside the garage. However, if u take the average tongue weight to be about 10~15% of trailer weight i will be somewhere around that figure i mentioned ealier. Stay tuned. Lol


I would think you could put a block of wood on the scale so the tongue was level and you would be pretty accurate

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New member
Wow! This is an awsome inspiring build. I've been a lurker here for awhile and hope to start building my own adventure trailer soon.
A lot of ideas I like nod hope to use in my own build. I like the idea of a steel frame for the trailer. I work at a body shop so I like the idea of using steel over wood but I've been concerned about the weight but yours isn't bad so it should work out ok.

Thanks for posting your build.



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I like the idea of a steel frame for the trailer. I work at a body shop so I like the idea of using steel over wood but I've been concerned about the weight but yours isn't bad so it should work out ok.Gene

Thanks! Lots of great builds here and lots of inovative ideas. Will be cool to see what ya come up with. Be careful on using steel, it is very possible to go waaaay over your weight goal quick, fast, and in a hurry. It requires you to be mindful of what you are putting in it and what guage steel you use proportional to strength, even your choice of flooring can add weight to your build. But it can be done. Good luck and post your pics!


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I would think you could put a block of wood on the scale so the tongue was level and you would be pretty accurate

Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 2

You can, sorta....I jumped on e-trailer and found these pics that show you how to do it....I was doing it like you stated also, but apparently thats



Anyway, I was doing it on my driveway, which is I need to get it back in the garage to do this..


Figure A is what I was referring to, you only need B if your weight exceeds the scale capacity

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Figure A is what I was referring to, you only need B if your weight exceeds the scale capacity

Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 2

Yup, I had the scale on the ground under the tongue jack. I gotta get it back to level ground. But, I will get it weighed soon...been workin on the Jeep the last few days. I did get the awning track installed on the trailer though. I've gotta get the canvass started on the upper part then I can jump to the rain flys.


This is one of my favorite builds so far since i joined this forum. Great work, you are definitely amazing at making stuff work. I love the slide out grill/cooler droor that you have. I just so happen to have 32 spare rollerblade bearings that i dont mind sparing for building a slide-out as well. Thank you for the pix that you provided of that. Do you mind posing 1 pic of the back of the grill slide out and how it meets with the bearings. I'm really curious.


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This is one of my favorite builds so far since i joined this forum. Great work, you are definitely amazing at making stuff work. I love the slide out grill/cooler droor that you have. I just so happen to have 32 spare rollerblade bearings that i dont mind sparing for building a slide-out as well. Thank you for the pix that you provided of that. Do you mind posing 1 pic of the back of the grill slide out and how it meets with the bearings. I'm really curious.

Thank you for the kind words. Definitely in the company of some very talented people on this forum! No problem, I will post some more pics of the slide, but I am not sure where you are wanting me to take pics. Like on the inside, the part that is sliding on the bearings? That reminds me, I recently found a few pics of another slide system that looks like it only uses 8ish bearings and also has cascading slides. That advantage of that is you get more slide for the space. I will see if I can find that pics and either post them here or include a link so everyone can see'em.


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I haven't been doing much to the trailer the last few days b/c I have been chasing down a steering/suspension problem on my Jeep. Hopefully, I have it corrected.

Anyway, I stayed up late last night and sewn the upper canvass together (looking at the inside). You will notice on these straps to allow the windows to be secured while in the down position. Something I forgot to add to the other ones..grr.


This is about ready to put on, just need to sew on the awning rope and bottom Velcro and skirt. Stay tuned...more to follow

Lucky j

This is great work and great design!

I might have a different layout, but it is not my work, I did not do it, you did!

Just plain awsome!

I someday have to get into something like this! I have the skill and the equipement, including the sawing machine for heavy stuff!

Man, I'm jalous a bit!

I need a garage! :)


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This is great work and great design! I need a garage! :)

Thank ya! A garage....the original man-cave..!:victory: I think I would die without mine!

I dont' have pics yet, but I got the canvass done for the upper roof today. I will get it installed tomorrow and get some pics up while I still have a few days vacation time

I think the trailer is about ready for the maiden camping trip next weekend. I am dreading testing the plumbing, hate leaks! No leaks, no leaks! I used PEX tubing and PEX clamps this time so it should not leak, but we will see! Get the little stuff tested out, like the hot water shower, and gas grill. Speaking of that I need to get a wind surround made for that thing. I switched out the red one for a four burner cook top unit.

Welp, off to bed...had a long day. Laters :sombrero:


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Welp, more sewing last night and I got the uppers done...well, I thought they were done last night. Fitting today proved me wrong. Apparently I switched a side on my pattern and now I need to add a small piece to get the one side to fit perfect. I hate loose canvass! :mad:

Anyway, now you will be able to get a read good feel for how this thing is gonna look.











So far the fan and the insulation is doing a good job of keeping the heat managed. I even think that with a fan you could stay inside with the door closed. When I make the rain flys I am going to sew in an military medical emergency blanket *green on outer side and reflective on the inside) to the underside of the rain fly with the reflective side facing the rain fly. This will act like a sun shade that we use in our vehicles. It will reflect the heat back up instead of allowing it to radiate thru the fly and into the ceiling of the tent. I will also be installing tent vents from sail-rite. So I should get good circulation of air. In hind sight I really should have put more insulation in the ceiling. But, lesson!

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