Went to the yard and got a "45rfe" 4x4 cross-member our of a 4x4 drango with the 45rfe! and 4.7L yay! the 5.2/5.9/v6 4x4 dakota's and durango's use a completely different cross-member from the 4.7L dakota's which makes them extremely rare to find!
(yes I have the bushing in the wrong spot here lol!) im only missing one part now, its the little metal piece that bolts up to the transmission-transfercase coupler/adapter and bolts to the top of the bushing.... none of the yards have it (since the 45rfe was on 2000-2004 daks, they hoard all of them and sell the trannys/cases for big $$$) .... none of the sellers want to sell it to me, so I think im gonna make one,
A pic of my XJ, dakota and durango drive-shaft collection LOL! I have more not shown.... I spent about $80 bux for all my shafts... im addicted to the local junkyards... buying the shafts saves me $$ so I can have spares.... they will be cut down and re-tubed for my application.. most "one piece" steel stock 4x4 dakota and durango shafts use 1330 yokes re-using the yokes saves me $$ at the drive-shaft shop and enables me to "make my own" trail spares... the intermediate is an cut down 1310 series XJ rear .... the rear will be a modified 1330series to mate to the rear 9.25". It will use a highly modified 2003 1330 series 2003 durango 4x4 steel rear driveshaft (modified with a slip in it) the front is yet undecided.... but it'll be 1330 series shaft with slip in it too
And here's a nice refrence pic of the NP231 and tranny adapter/ intermediate driveshaft...before I cut it in half lol!
I made a little solidwerks thing of the input side of the case before I cut it in half to see what it would look like... this is the first "major" thing in solid-works I made without goofing around lol!
need I say more?
There's two separate pieces of aluminum here, that will split with the case; the "seam" is perfect..lol you cant see through it!
I found the New Process tag makes a great washer!
The flange seam is so perfect a piece of paper cant fit through it

it splits in half like the original case does..
here I took out the bolts, split the case, and broke the weld seam, the sucker was soooooo hot! it fits together perfectly!
I forgot about the oil pump filter location... it was cutoff with the front output so I made this!
Never heard of this getting covered on pirate lol! I consider it pretty important..?! I mean the way the jeep np231 oil pump works, it picks up the "filtered" oil from the lowest point of the case and the pump pumps it into the main shaft (through holes inside the shaft) which then squirts it into the planetary set... there's been a guy on pirate that's done this before... but nobody has addressed this issue...lol!
I first cut the stock pickup line to make it shorter
I mocked it up
then I cut one side of the pickup flange and made an "arm" to hold it down in the case
I booger welded it to the case to support the filter! its going nowhere
After my boss left.... My co-worker, Booth, taught me how to TIG, here's some of my first welds! LOL! (his example on left, my goobers on right) I must say, it's much more awesome then using MIG lol! I fell like I could get the hang of this! gotta start from somewhere...