My first project vehicle


Those badges are waaaaaay cool!

I reckon there's a few who'd like to buy 'em too...

Love the great things you're doing with your van.

That One Guy

Those badges are waaaaaay cool!

I reckon there's a few who'd like to buy 'em too...

Love the great things you're doing with your van.

Thanks a lot, that was before I finished sanding the edges and cleaned up all the scrap stuff the cutting head leaves behind. The finished product looks a lot better. I've got 5 right now, my two best are going on my van and I sanded the faces of the others so they look pretty good. The only problem I see with selling them is how intensive the cleanup process is. Not including cutting and sanding, just removing the scrap on this piece in particular can take well over an hour.

I could try though. If anyone is interested and would be willing to teach me how to deal with the payment aspect of things, PM me and we can work the details out. Any size is available, but any smaller than two inches (which is what mine are) and the quality starts to take a hit.


Looking awesome:)

Badges can pull big bucks and like you mentioned, probably has something to do with the labour...


New member
I agree those badges are pretty sweet looking. You might very well have a market for them within our little niche market.

That One Guy

That would be pretty cool.

And in case anyone didn't know, what I added on the left side is a mushroom cloud, not a tree, as many of my classmates thought.


I use irfanview for simple picture edits, like resizing. But even easier is a photobucket account and you select what size you want the pic to be converted to as it uploads.

That One Guy

That is soooo much work for a lazy teenager to do in the morning... Even though it's kinda more like noon... I'll try to make an account later.

That One Guy

Okay, so I'm gonna get back to my dash. I'm mocking up the panel again, to do it nicely and after I've got it made, all I need are the $130 a piece tach and speedo and the indicator lights. So I'm trying to find affordable lights that look decent, and I prefer LED's. So far, I've found these:
They stick out a little more than I'd like, and 9 bucks a piece is almost too much considering I need 4, maybe 5.
So I also found these, which are cheaper and I like better:

Anyone have any experience with this? Suggestions for a good brand? I'm tired of looking with not many results. I'm thinkin' about going out to the wrecking yard and pillaging old cars for their "unique" indicators and whatnot.

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