Jbynum.....I appreciate that. Thank you. I'm working diligently to get this blog caught up, in addition, I want to document this period of our lives as well as I can. There are times in our lives that seem to have more meaning or importance than others. Certainly for me, this is one of those times. One day I'll come back here to read about these times and I'll admire the pictures and hopefully enjoy my writings.....then I'll be thankful for these efforts.....I'm planning to rest soon.....
tgil.....same here.....
photomike.....thank you very much. For about 3 months now I've had to lift Yukon in and out of most places all day everyday. I thought my back muscles were strengthening until one day it hit me.....it wasn't me getting stronger but it was her losing weight. It sucks.....I wish you the best as well.....
It might seem as though I would have written about the Gila River first rather than last, as I would imagine that it is really the star of the little paradise where we stayed, but as it was, the Gila River was not a large part of our visit.....
The water levels were high and the torrents of water that flowed by were much too strong for a dogs swim.....
The BLM ranger that I spoke with that one evening said that mountain snows from New Mexico were beginning to melt and that it was typical for the river to expand beyond its banks at this time of year.....
So for the most part I kept the dogs away from the rivers edge but I would go there in search of wildlife.....we walked quite a bit in the lowlands where the grasses grew green and where the signs of deer and beaver were literally everywhere.....
I only saw one deer here and I actually only saw the white tail of that deer in the thick brush. On a cliff overlooking the river I came across a fox but it was gone and out of sight within a few seconds. A very large lizard passed by one day.....it too gone in a matter of seconds. It was only the white-nosed coatimundi that stuck around.....probably because he was such a long distance away and unaware of my existence....
From what I've read this was more than likely a male.....females travel in groups and I watched this guy for at least a half hour.....he was always alone.....and totally absorbed with food finding.....