Riversdad.....thanks and I think the exact same.....
Sierra Valley.....that's right near the Lewistown, Montana airport (literally across the street). We would go there in the morning and he would chase whatever lived in those fields. I would imagine that it was field mice he was hunting. You'd hear him bark or howl, then he'd disappear into the wheat, and then he'd pop right out again. It was great.....he loved those fields.....
JD.....yep and thank you.....
After a weeks "rest" in Lewistown, Montana, we finally got back out and hit the road again. We retraced our tracks, got back onto Red Hill Road, and drove south this time. I was almost done with the Big Snowy Mountains but I had to go back just one last time. I had stopped in at the BLM Headquarters once again, got a bit more information, and devised a new plan to access those mountains.....
I had posted the opposite side of this signpost awhile back and said that I didn't stop here cause I didn't know where that trail led.....
It turns out that this trail heads up into the Big Snowy Mountains (from the east) and eventually to the summit of Lost Peak (8,199').....
That trail sign said 3 miles to the summit.....there is absolutely no way that is correct (the All Trails ap has it as 9.2 miles roundtrip).....
.....and honestly we actutally could have cared less how far it was.....these mountains were our feel good place.....
We hiked for several hours constantly climbing higher along the eastern slope of the mountain.....the trail began in a dense forest in a valley but eventually it reached a ridgeline, busted right out of that dense forest, and here we had the most magnificent views as we continued our hike towards the summit of Lost Peak.....
It took us several hours of hiking to finally make our first summit of the day.....
I was feeling exceptionally well rested on that particular day and as I stood on the summit of Lost Peak I thought that I wanted more. I wanted to hike all day on that bare ridgeline where the views never stopped, and I swear I never wanted to come down. On top of that mountain is freedom.....there is no Covid-19.....there is no chaos of the world. And so I said to Tanner "let's go" and that's just what we did that day.....we just kept on walking.....