My Journey


Ace..,...the adoption coordinator & transporter both told me that Bridger had peed in the house and that was the reason that the owners surrendered her. I try not to judge, so.....just happy that we crossed paths with her. It's amazing how quickly she has bonded with us.....she literally follows me everywhere I if she's afraid she'll be abandoned once again..... stated, she's great.....and yea, it sucks that Old Bert passed.....I miss his lousy jokes often..... took me a long time to get another Yellow Lab. Honestly, I'm still not over losing Yukon.....probably never will get over that one.....

View attachment 786990 guess is that I'll never make it back to the Himalayas (at least in this lifetime), so I did the next best thing (well, that might be a bit of a stretch).....anyhow, I added more prayer flags to place.....I just love those things.....

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.....and I added a swimming's funny but that thing sure looked larger at Walmart.....I guess maybe cause it was the largest one they had.....

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Now the past few months I've spent quite a few hours in my chair recovering & watching the birds at my one day I'm mowing my neighbors' property with my new John Deere tractor (pictures coming) and I see these old, cut branches brain gets to working and I customized my entire exterior wall to accommodate my bird friends.....

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.....and I also added more prayer flags along that wall as well. It's amazing how many birds visit my place now. The birdhouses are full of newborns and the songbirds are tweeting all day.....well, if you can't travel.....I see no better way to spend the time.....

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Maybe the dogs would disagree.....maybe a fun fight is a better choice.....

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.....or just laying low in some tall grass or weeds.....

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Ace..,...the adoption coordinator & transporter both told me that Bridger had peed in the house and that was the reason that the owners surrendered her. I try not to judge, so.....just happy that we crossed paths with her. It's amazing how quickly she has bonded with us.....she literally follows me everywhere I if she's afraid she'll be abandoned once again..... stated, she's great.....and yea, it sucks that Old Bert passed.....I miss his lousy jokes often..... took me a long time to get another Yellow Lab. Honestly, I'm still not over losing Yukon.....probably never will get over that one.....

View attachment 786990 guess is that I'll never make it back to the Himalayas (at least in this lifetime), so I did the next best thing (well, that might be a bit of a stretch).....anyhow, I added more prayer flags to place.....I just love those things.....

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.....and I added a swimming's funny but that thing sure looked larger at Walmart.....I guess maybe cause it was the largest one they had.....

View attachment 786982

Now the past few months I've spent quite a few hours in my chair recovering & watching the birds at my one day I'm mowing my neighbors' property with my new John Deere tractor (pictures coming) and I see these old, cut branches brain gets to working and I customized my entire exterior wall to accommodate my bird friends.....

View attachment 786984

.....and I also added more prayer flags along that wall as well. It's amazing how many birds visit my place now. The birdhouses are full of newborns and the songbirds are tweeting all day.....well, if you can't travel.....I see no better way to spend the time.....

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Maybe the dogs would disagree.....maybe a fun fight is a better choice.....

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.....or just laying low in some tall grass or weeds.....

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We bought Fiona a small pool. She loves to swim, but she just stands in the pool and doesn't roll around.


PNWY & Arjan.....thanks guys.....dogs, dogs, dogs.....we love them.....

ITTOG.....don't be sorry for me.....I'm lucky to be alive. My other hip is just fine & thank goodness for that, as I'm ready to move on. My surgery was "textbook" per the PA. It only took them 45 minutes to replace the hip bone. I only took pain medication the day of surgery, and I only required the assistance of a walker for 2 days, and now 5 days later I'm off all medications, although I temporarily walk with a limp, and I do use a walking stick, again temporary.

Yes, Tanner got a skin infection much like he did last year when we were camped at Lake Mead National Recreation Area. They had to shave his entire belly which revealed lots of these small infections so he got antibiotics. Trapper grew a mold on her skin since she was constantly wet and with her unusually long fur, it really didn't dry out. I had to purchase medicated shampoo for her, bathe her every other day, and give her that beautiful haircut. They both got these sharp plant things embedded in their ears. They both had to be sedated to remove those sharp plant things. And lastly, they all three got fleas from sticking their heads into the gopher holes. That had to be treated and I had to purchase meds for that. Then I had to bomb my house and truck, and I just threw away all my bedding.....that's a really long story but you asked for it ITTOG. I'm lucky that I've had the same vet for over a decade.....I was thinking she was gonna call Animal Control on me.....unfit dog owner.....

The pic below is my new best, not the dog with the Rod Stewart haircut.....the walking stick. I found that stick some years ago when I was briefly (very briefly I might add) a volunteer campground host at Glacier National Park. I picked it up, never thought I'd actually use it (I'm not a walking stick kind of guy), yet here I am relying on it for every step I take.....I can't wait to dump my new best friend.....

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The dogs look so happy. Fiona always keeps us going. We walk 3+/- miles a day with her. When we start putting on our walking shoes she goes crazy until her collar is on and we are walking out the door 🐾


Well-known member
ITTOG.....I'm curious, what were your surgeries like ? I'd like to know more. Did you use a walker ? Why cruthches as opposed to a cane / walking stick ? The narcotics that they gave me made me deathly ill. I puked my guys out. I stopped them Day One. The worse thing now is the compression socks that I'm wearing. I had no idea they were coming. I absolutely hate them.....with a passion. Anyhow, tell me more about your experience(s) if you would please.
So remember my hips were not replaced but were rebuilt and had ligament damage they repaired. The doctor indicated a hip replacement would be easier to recover from the I would probably have to replace it at least twice before I died in rebuilding the hip should last me for the rest of my life. So with that out of the way I never used a walker. The doctor had me use crutches over a four-week period. The first week I was only supposed to put 25% of my weight on the him. The second week was supposed to be 50% of my weight on the hip, etc. Using the crutches for four weeks prevented the need for a cane. Thus, when the crutches were over I was walking without aid and had a noticeable limp. The good thing was I did not need aid and just needed walking time to eliminate the limp. Also, once the crutches were gone I was still limited on how much I could walk. The doctor was adamant that I cannot kick the crutches and then walk four miles. Thus the first week was probably about a mile total throughout the day. I definitely couldn't go walk a mile without issue. I was allowed to increase the distance based on how my body responded and by the third month I could walk as much as I wanted. At the six month I was able to start running, more like a very slow jog but was probably a real run by month seven.

They gave me eight prescriptions, it was crazy. One was to reduce inflammation, another to reduce scar tissue, another for pain, another for nausea, etc. luckily narcotics do not make me tired or make me sick so I had no issue with any of the prescriptions.

See this post,, to see all of the post surgery devices I had to use.


Well-known member
Jerry, I'll look into the trip report thing. Honestly, I only come here to read your posts. If you haven't posted since I last checked, I usually take a look in the classifieds. Most anything I might be interested in is usually in CA or in the NE.
Thanks for the compliments on Scout! She is my best bud!
Your surgery results sound great!

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PNWY.....I think that may be the plant. Earlier in tbe summer, Trapper had several of them lodged between her toes. I was able to remove them, yet 2 weeks later, the swelling persisted. I squezzed that area, and this sword like thing came was 100 % embedded in her skin. No wonder she continued to bite at that sore.....all well now.....

JD.....I think my dogs must be wondering what's going on here. I can't wait to get my boots back on my feet..... pressure.....

ITTOG.....thanks for the link.....I actually thought you had hip replacements. I didn't even know that rebuilt hips were a thing..... recommendation to you is to go with the Anterior Hip Replacement. There's much less damage done to the body and the recovery time is much shorter. And don't assume that your surgeon does both Anterior & Posterior (I did). I had to switch surgeons while I was way into the process.....

I'm amazed at how much progress I've made in just one week. Today I've been out walking the property.....I made to it my garden, and did my longest walk yet, a circumference of the barn. It's difficult for me cause I'm not taking any pain medications. Every medication I take, makes me sick.....even Tylenol doesn't agree with me. Due to my recent heart issues, I'm unable to take many of the options that are out there. So I do everything naturally so to speak, lots of icing & walking & foot exercises. Nights are the worse as I'm so sore from the exercises all day and being unable to take pain medications pretty much sucks.....

All that being said, I'm so grateful to be alive and soon to be able to walk pain free (at least that's the plan).....

And speaking of plans, the dogs and I plan to be back on the road on or about November 1st.....and we can post normal hiking and climbing and traveling.....





Active member
Thanks for this advice. I'm just getting into the process and will keep it in mind. I am referred but have not yet met with a surgeon. 5 years ago my Dr. and radiologists were certain I needed it done but exercise and careful diet kept me going. Now its time...


Well-known member
All of this talk about hip surgery makes me wish my 89 yo dad could take advantage of it. He had a rough go, with other medical issues, at the beginning of the year and has recovered nicely, for the most part, but has so much trouble "getting around". Glad to see so many benefit from it at a younger age.
Those last pupper pics....frame-worthy! May just be due to me usually seeing this thread on the smaller screen of my phone?'s one more valuable tip for you. I sure wish that someone had mentioned this to me. You'll be required to wear compression socks after your surgery, and these things need to be fitted individually. They are not one size fits all. I had 2 young, guy nurses that stuck mine on me prior to leaving the hospital. And of course they didn't fit. Literally was like torture. I couldn't bend down to adjust them (still can't), and they literally were so tight that they nearly cut off my circulation. Finally a friend took scissors to mine and now they're bearable / wearable (just barely). Go to a medical supply store and get properly fitted prior to surgery, and bring them with you surgery day..... you go.....the first one was taken prior to hip surgery.....the next two I just's been a great, little tractor so far.....exactly what I needed.....




Here's an update on the barn (I'm racing with (ITTOG's truck camper).....I've got a bit more pine board siding to install as well as cover the flooring with gravel. I finally finished hauling out the horse manure & the chicken ****.....that was an unreal project.....nearly a foot deep & rock hard.....





The workbench is probably what I'm most proud of.....sixteen feet in length and incredbly sturdy. The base is built from wood scavenged from my friend's property (the hoarder).....sixteen foot long beams of reclaimed lumber covered with $75 per sheet sanded plywood (yes, it was worth it).....


God willing.....+/- 70 days and we're back on the road.....



Well-known member
Nice collection of stuff. How do you happen to have two camper doors?

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I noticed those and recalled the two scenarios (I think), but that's Jerry's story to tell.

Love the way the barn is set up!

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