Riversdad.....first off, thanks for the feedback.....I appreciate it. It's really not a big deal to pick up the trash but what is a big deal is to actually throw out the trash. I'm just amazed at the amount of trash that people throw out so randomly. Yesterday I watched about a half dozen young guys on motocross bikes just trashing the desert plants as they jumped their motorcycles over and through the sand dunes. After they departed, they left cans and bottles, chip bags, and burrito packaging. Their trucks were parked a few feet away. How is that people think this is acceptable ?
Trailboss.....that's interesting.....the poor guy could barely fly.....
PNWY / ITTOG.....that's also interesting.....Concerning the diesel, yep, there's always been plenty of diesel fuel but the issue is the availability of the low sulfer diesel being available.....you know, the stuff the newer trucks require (ULSD).....
Well once again we've slowed down and find ourselves just hanging out in one general area.....no traveling. So this post will not be one of the typical posts you're accustomed to seeing here.....it's just something I'm thinking about.....
In January, 2015 I purchased my first Fitbit and that purchase has been life changing.....I can honestly say that. The first year I had the Fitbit I lost more than 20 pounds and walked over 4,000 miles. Subsequently I would exceed 4,000 miles walked in both 2016 and 2017. Last week I surpassed 4,000 miles walked for the fourth straight year, and have exceeded 17,000 miles walked in the past 4 years. This past summer I was telling someone how much I walked (and how much I enjoyed it), and their response was that I needed to get a life. I don't recall my response at the time, but I believe it's walking that helps me to stay healthy and fit.....and it's walking that continues to give me a good life.....and I'm so thankful for that.....
Anyhow, check this out (or not).....the first pair of my boots pictured I'd guess have about 3,000 miles on them.....
The next pair maybe 1,000 miles.....
And the last pair just came out of the box.....
I always have at least two pair of boots broken in and usually will be working on breaking in a third.....good boots are vital to me.....
Lately we've been doing quite a bit of walking in the desert and what I've noticed is that nobody else seems to be doing it (although I do see people on some of the marked trails).....
I rarely see human footprints.....I do see the tracks of animals and insects.....
But I'm often not alone in the desert. I'll see people riding their dirt bikes, or I'll see people riding in their ATVs. Motorcycle tire tracks and ATV tire tracks are so abundant in the desert....
Footprints not so much.....that one is mine.....it's on an ATV track of course.....
I was walking in the desert a few days ago and I stopped at this tree. It really was amazing to see the little world that had developed around it. I took the time to study it....you notice these things when you're walking.....
Two nights ago I was wandering around in the desert at night with my headlamp when I saw these eyes glaring at me in the darkness. It turned out to be a Desert Kit Fox and he was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me but they look like this (borrowed from the internet).....
The little guy (they're only 12 inches high) hung with me for maybe 10 minutes. He came within 3 feet of me and he did it often.....his curiousousity was hard to believe and the encounter was such a pleasure......things you see walking.....
So, moving on..... I read an online article this morning that said that the average American male weighs 198 pounds and has a BMI of 29.1. The average American woman weighs 170 pounds and has a BMI of 29.6. 30 and up is considered obese. Approximately one third of Americans are overweight and another third are obese. It appears that soon the average American will be obese.....
What does this have to do with travel ? Nothing.....
All I'm saying is that walking is good.....and I wish more people saw the benefits of it.....