Ace.....that sounds terrifying.....
VanWaLife.....excellent post ! Thanks. Last year I was considering purchasing 20 acres in Montana which was close to rattlesnake country. So I contacted my veterinarian in Bozeman, Montana and she said that she was not a fan of the shots but they had great success with the training and she encouraged me to go that route. I didn't purchase the property therefore Tanner did not get the training. I wish he did honestly.....
Chet6.7.....Tanners paws also have been a target of the cactus. I noticed a few people in the Tucson area that walked their dogs in the desert with shoes (?). That being said, yesterday Tanner and I were hiking and I stepped on a cactus plant which grows horizontally and the spines went through my leather boot into my foot. I'm starting to look forward to the grizzly bears up north.....
Often while I'm out collecting trash along the roadways I'll find some pretty cool favorite find was the old Montana license plate but I've also found antlers, skulls, tools, and the list goes on and on.....just all kinds of crap really. Now whenever I cross a culvert I typically extend my search maybe 100 or 200 feet beyond the roadway cause the water flowing through the culvert washes the trash further down the ditch and away from the roadway.....
And so it was that by walking off the immediate limits of the roadway and down the ditch line that I found this.....
I thought that this certainly fell into the category of cool stuff that I've found.....and looking around a bit more I came across a second one.....
It's unfortunate that so many people come to wild places and do what they do.....
My efforts are fruitless.....this I know for sure.....
There are way more people that just simply don't care.....
And finally after 5 days we were beginning to run short on was time to move on.....
Tanner had a vet appointment in Tucson scheduled on April third but with the virus spreading quickly I decided to move the appointment up by 2 weeks.....reducing my exposure was and is my only plan.....
Day 9 of my life living off the's good to have a dog for a best friend in times like these.....flatten the curve.....