It's done. :victory:
Dry from paint and back together in one piece. Here are the final specs:
Width: 29.5" (closed)
Height: 21.5" (closed)
Depth: 14"
Total loaded weight: 67 lbs
Parts list:
Nails (1" brads, etc)
Stainless steel screws
Waterproof wood glue
Heavy duty 2" hinges (galvanized)
Heavy duty 4" hinges (galvanized)
Lid supports or 1/16" aircraft cable and accessories
Draw latches (x2)
5 sheets (2'x4') of 1/2" baltic birch ply (Home Depot)
1-2 sheets (2'x4') of 1/4" birch ply (Home Depot)
Stain or Paint
Notable bits:
1. In an 'oops' moment I mistakenly put the primary shelf divider on the wrong side and made a mirror image to the original design. (Whoops.

2. I deleted the lower shelf as the it really was not needed.
3. The support solution for the top lid was really simple. A 1/4" aluminum rod with each end bent at 90 degrees. The top end slots into the lid support while the bottom has a hole drilled into the side. Perfect.
4. I used 1/16" aircraft cable for the lower table lid supports. Simple, cheap, and works really well.
Overall, fun project. The finish is acceptable for me. Not perfect, but from 20' it looks stellar. :coffeedrink:
Thanks for the all the feedback during the process. If any of you are interested in a PDF of the plans, just shoot me a PM with your email. I'd be happy to send a copy to you.