My M100 build


Sandblasted and general purpose primer was $200. I dropped it off at 3pm and picked it up the next day at 3pm. It would have taken several days of hard wire-wheel and grinding to accomplish what they did in 24 hours.

Herculiner came out okay. Coverage and thickness is not like the professional bedliners. To be honest I think for the time and money I invested I could have it professionally done for not much more. It took a gallon and a quart, which came out to about $130. Once you buy Xylne, gloves, respirator, rags, tape, etc.. you end up with another $50.. I think I could have had it sprayed for around $250.. Well worth paying someone $70 more to do it. Total time to prep, tape, wipe, roll - was about 6 hours. The "three steps" the instructions explain are a little more involved.
JJonesee said:
Sandblasted and general purpose primer was $200. I dropped it off at 3pm and picked it up the next day at 3pm. It would have taken several days of hard wire-wheel and grinding to accomplish what they did in 24 hours.

Herculiner came out okay. Coverage and thickness is not like the professional bedliners. To be honest I think for the time and money I invested I could have it professionally done for not much more. It took a gallon and a quart, which came out to about $130. Once you buy Xylne, gloves, respirator, rags, tape, etc.. you end up with another $50.. I think I could have had it sprayed for around $250.. Well worth paying someone $70 more to do it. Total time to prep, tape, wipe, roll - was about 6 hours. The "three steps" the instructions explain are a little more involved.
Excellent. I am considering having this done as well. I've sanded and primed most of mine, but unhappy with the results. For less than $600, it seems I can get it done and done right. (I don't have the infrastructure/capability/time to do it right and do it myself).


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JJonesee said:
I wanted AL diamond plate for the skin, but cost was too high. So I used more free metal.

Welding 14 guage is fun..

Mounted two 250# gas struts to assist in opening the lid.

The angle is not right, and I will need to do some final adjusting when the tent is mounted.

I would think you would need to be more centered with the gas struts. They may also need protection so the inside cargo doesn't damage them.


The problem with that set up is it applies too much force in the closed position. I ended up raising the mount point in the tub, flattening out the strut in the close position. There is still a bit of force in the closed position, but once I mount the tent I will re adjust.

In the perimeter of the tub is a product called "uni strut" Its used in industrial construction for locating pipe/conduit. They make all types of bolt on brackets, tie downs etc. The gas struts lower mount use this system, so its easily adjustable.

I got the back bumper built last night.

I still need to remove, and weld it out, paint..

I dont think the spare will work here. I will end up mounting it on the tounge.

I will eventually convert over to 5 on 4.5", and electric brakes. I wont need a spare at this point.
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looking real good. I can't believe you got it sandblaseted and primed for $200! That is an awesome price! It costs more then that to rent a sandblaster and compressor and buy the media.

The lid looks great, and makes me rethink if I will eventually put a tent on top of mine, and I love the bumper. Would love to see more photos of it when its not installed.


Well, between the rain, evacuees at my house, and trying to drill a hole through my finger, I didn't get as far this weekend as I wanted.

Coupler painted and finished.

Bumper - painted and finished

I built crossbars for the tent, with clamps so I can easily remove it. I couldn't help but throwing the tent on before the rain started again.


The struts worked out just right. It opens a little far but that should be okay for now.

I also got the 2" coupler welded to the 2" tubing and painted.

Wiring harness is built, I will attach it to the chassis tomorrow.
Still need to go through the bearings and figure out what to do with the spare and gas/water cans. I rough cut the brackets for the latches to mount on. Hopefully Mcmaster will deliver tomorrow.


Its wired, and the lights actually work.

I tore down the hubs tonight.

Passenger side was packed with grease. Outer roller bearing was oblong with chisel marks.

Driver side was dry. Outer roller bearing, was about to fall apart. The wheel bearing washer is paper thin.

I should have ordered bearings by now, but lost track of things during all the chaos this weekend.


Looks good. Can you show some zoomed in pics of your tent mounting setup? I have the same tent and need a better way to mount it.


JJonesee said:
Well, I have been lurking for about 3-4 years now. I have always wanted one on of these little military trailers. I am just now in a position that allows me to build, and use one of these.

Well great, see what you went and made me do??? Now I have to come over here and check out all these sweet ideas to use on my new trailer. Just what I needed, another forum to watch! :yikes:

Don't know if you saw it on the Scrambler board, but it's whatever the civilian version of the M100 is. No shocks or brakes and it has a tailgate. I can see that a lot of what you're doing would work well for me.

Great looking build... thanks for the ideas.


I got the bearings swapped, packed, and lubed.

I got the latches in, and brackets fabbed up.

Your right Walton - I need to update the CJ8 board.

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