Got the spare tire lift in and working.
I see one M416 a few hours away but it is rusted pretty bad, and someone welded a standard ball coupler on there.....not worth the trouble.
Great idea and craftment!
How would you like to secure it? :Wow1:
Got the spare tire lift in and working. I ended up pulling the tub to make it easier to work on. The tire lifts into place just in front of the axle and is at the same level as the bottom of the axle. Should work just fine for my needs. I also had to figure out a way to raise/lower the tire. So I made a bar and welded an old socket to the end, drilled a hole through the frame inside the fender and voila! Bonus feature is that the access hole is hidden from plain sight.
She's ready for a shake down run and my upcoming trip.
This is a great idea as far as a place to mount my spare, but where did you get the mounting hardware?