My New XJ.


Just bought a new XJ today. Its 2000 Classic. Red. Selectrac. I believe it has the D35 in the rear. Auto. 181000kilometers. Ill post pics and stuff when I get it this week. I'm pretty stoked! It has heated and powered seats. Leather/vinyl. Heated mirrors. AC doesn't work but porbably just needs. A charge. ZERO rust. And for a canadian XJ that says something!


Expedition Leader
First thing to do is to check and make sure the head isn't the dreaded 0331... From there it is all gravy! Congrats! Now get to building! :)


I think I need a bigger truck!
Zero rust out east says something... out here on west coast, pretty common, still a bonus no doubt!! Congrats on your new Jeep man, I have a 2000 classic as well, love it! I am at 190000 KM and going strong. If you need any info or details, PM me I have done hundreds of hours worth of research on these things.

Do you have ABS? If so...turdy 5 in the rear. If not, it is likely a Chrysler Corporate 8.25 29 spline, tough axle.


Im, not sure if it has ABS. I am goign to take the VIN into a dealer and get a build sheet on it.
I do know it has the NP242. and as much as that can be extra money to get a SYE kit for it im cool with that.

The plan is once the tires I am putting on it. (which only have 13000km on them) die, or I have the money.(whichever comes first) I will be installing an OME Lift medium duty alone with some 30x9.5s or an exuivilant. I really like these Icon rims. And as well I would like to keep my spare in the stock location.

As I have a dog I plan to get the raingler net for the rear to keep him back there.

I also plan to run the weather tech mats for the front, rear and cargo space. I believe they have the digital fit ones for the xj?

Anyway here is what youve been waiting for. PHOTOS!!

Here are the pictures from the Ad.










The tires are dead. But thats okay because I have my stock tires from my 2008 2dr JK. They are 225/75R16. The tires on there now are 225/70R16 So a little bit taller. should still fit no issue.

The muffler has a hole in it but that is easily rectifiable.

Now for the tricky stuff. GregB_00XJ you might be anle to make a comment on a few of these things:

Fogs dont turn on. Nor does the light on the switch. Also the rear window wiper works. But the light doesnt light up. I would assume they are on the same bank as they are right beside eachother along with the defrost button which I am assumign also turns the heated mirrors on?.

Cruise turns on but wont set at a speed. This I have no clue.

Fan only turns on on highest speed. Resistors gone bad?

AC doesnt work. 12 year old vehicle. Probably just needs a recharge

And the driver side heated seat when you turn it on the light just flashes. This I am unsure. Maybe just a bad connection?

Rear lift gate doesnt like to stay up when shocks are cold. Although if you hold it there for 10-15 seconds it wil stay. not such a big deal.

It has an aftermarket headunit in it for the stereo. Never really liked those. going to try and get a stock unit out of a wrecked vehicle.

Also while going through it I noticed it has the factory infinity amp unit under the back seat which is pretty neat.


And how do I figure out if its the dreaded 0331? is there a fix for this? The engine bay was really cleaning and looked to have no issues. Even the timing belt looked good!


My other vehicle

And btw this is not my first 4wd.

Here's my toy.

Her name is Behsie. And that is Buddy in the back seat. And yes I have a thing for Red jeeps.:sombrero:

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New member
Nice XJ. Guaranteed you'll enjoy it. I don't have all the goodies you do, so less things to go wrong. Hopefully you can get them all working without too much trouble.



Automotive Artist
Easiest way to determine if it has the 0331 head is to determine if you have spark plug wires or DIS. If DIS then you have the 0331 head.

Alabama Cylinder Head makes a replacement 0331 casting that works great. I've put them on both of my XJs (one was cracked, other was preventative maint.). The head is cheap, fully dressed and ready to bolt on for ~$525 IIRC.


The link for the build sheet didnt work as I am in Canada. But I have emailed Chrysler and hopefully they will respond. We will see.

I did not know about this head issue with the XJ when I made my offer. I guess I will have to see when i pick it up what it says on it. Ohh well.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Now for the tricky stuff. GregB_00XJ you might be anle to make a comment on a few of these things:

Fogs dont turn on. Nor does the light on the switch. Also the rear window wiper works. But the light doesnt light up. I would assume they are on the same bank as they are right beside eachother along with the defrost button which I am assumign also turns the heated mirrors on?.

I believe the heated mirrors are automatic? As in they turn on all the time when you start the vehicle... my old Chrysler Daytona worked like that. Put a hand on one at start to see?

Light for the rear wiper? You mean in the switch the light doesnt work correct? My lights dont work for those switches either, tried replacing the bulb, Chrysler no longer has them no one sells them aftermarket. Bought one from an electronics shop... couldnt make it work either. Gave up.

Cruise turns on but wont set at a speed. This I have no clue.

Check your fuses...

Fan only turns on on highest speed. Resistors gone bad?

Probably, you can find replacements online reasonably cheap, try Ebay.

AC doesnt work. 12 year old vehicle. Probably just needs a recharge

They have a habit of failing at the condensor under the dash. They are held in place by plastic pull through clips that have a tendency to wear through the fins I am told. BIG job to replace too. Not hard, just time consuming. Mine leaked there, found it by adding flourescent dye to the recharge and running the AC. You can then hit it with a UV or Black Light and see the leak. Read this appear to be moved, too bad was step by stem and the best writeup I have found.

And the driver side heated seat when you turn it on the light just flashes. This I am unsure. Maybe just a bad connection?

Sadly, I do not have heated leather I cannot comment. Check your wiring, might be a bad connection?

Rear lift gate doesnt like to stay up when shocks are cold. Although if you hold it there for 10-15 seconds it wil stay. not such a big deal.

Replace them... cheap enough, I think you can get them online for around $30.00 each?

It has an aftermarket headunit in it for the stereo. Never really liked those. going to try and get a stock unit out of a wrecked vehicle.

Keep the aftermarket one... the stock head units suck.

Oh and you Definitely have a LTD and not a Classic. You likely have ABS too if you have cruise as I believe they came as a convenience package? If you have ABS, you have a 35 and not an 8.25. Looks like a sweet jeap, and for what it is worth, I love the Chrome on that Red!


Thanks for all the info! ill be doing an oilchange, putting new tires on and potentially a muffler this weeked. As well as some toruble shooting. Well see what I can get sorted!

I believe the heated mirrors are automatic? As in they turn on all the time when you start the vehicle... my old Chrysler Daytona worked like that. Put a hand on one at start to see?

Light for the rear wiper? You mean in the switch the light doesnt work correct? My lights dont work for those switches either, tried replacing the bulb, Chrysler no longer has them no one sells them aftermarket. Bought one from an electronics shop... couldnt make it work either. Gave up.

Check your fuses...

Probably, you can find replacements online reasonably cheap, try Ebay.

They have a habit of failing at the condensor under the dash. They are held in place by plastic pull through clips that have a tendency to wear through the fins I am told. BIG job to replace too. Not hard, just time consuming. Mine leaked there, found it by adding flourescent dye to the recharge and running the AC. You can then hit it with a UV or Black Light and see the leak. Read this appear to be moved, too bad was step by stem and the best writeup I have found.

Sadly, I do not have heated leather I cannot comment. Check your wiring, might be a bad connection?

Replace them... cheap enough, I think you can get them online for around $30.00 each?

Keep the aftermarket one... the stock head units suck.

Oh and you Definitely have a LTD and not a Classic. You likely have ABS too if you have cruise as I believe they came as a convenience package? If you have ABS, you have a 35 and not an 8.25. Looks like a sweet jeap, and for what it is worth, I love the Chrome on that Red!

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