My offroad teardrop build


Got a few questions from you as I'm gonna build a trailer to pull with my fj after I sell my rtt trailer.
Anyway I think I recall ur dimensions as 5 feet wide 8 feet long and 4 feet interior height. Is this correct? If so are u happy with the internal height or do wish u had more? Second did u order 5x8 plywood or just run it side to side with a 4x8 sheet and trim? If u did 5x8 where did get the plywood?
And lastly, did u ever finish galley and pics of so. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

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Hey man. Yeah, dimensions are correct. 5x8x 4h. I honestly find it quite roomy. The only problem I ever run into is getting in my jeans. I am a fat *** so it takes some aerobics to get my pants on. LOL BUT... the thing is comfy as heck. My wife packs along like 6 pillows so it's like the Sultans Den in there.

I used 4x8 plywood and laid it cross ways and cut the extra 3ft off. I joined it under the bottom section with a 2x6 and on top with a 2x4. So far so good! I have dragged this thing all over the place.

Feel free to ask any questions you have. You can email me at: if you wish.


And no I have not finished the galley. I added some LED strips around the perimeter of the inside and painted the galley interior with gray speckle paint. Right now I just carry all my stuff in plastic keepers and it works ok.


Thx alot for the response. Your build is almost dead on to what I'm thinking of doing, looks really practical. When I get started I'll be contacting you about a few things I'm sure! Thx again

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Here's a GoPro shot of the interior. The little block of wood on the left wall is the mount for the heater. I haven't added AC yet but thinking about how to do it. It is bare bones for sure. We have an iPad mount for under the slide out table and a single USB charger for the Boss Lady's Kindle and that is about it. I added a Ironman awning to it and adding a second for the other side next year.



New member
This is almost exactly what I want to build, thanks for posting such great build pictures! It really gives me an idea as to how I'll do mine. Yours looks great!



Do you have any build pictures of your galley, I am starting mine at the end of april. Debating between 5x8 and 5x9..Im 6/5 270 and may need the extra space. As far as the galley goes. Do think it would jsut be easier to not build one? Use the extra space as storage inside??
Its a great build looks beautiful. :Wow1:


Do you have any build pictures of your galley, I am starting mine at the end of april. Debating between 5x8 and 5x9..Im 6/5 270 and may need the extra space. As far as the galley goes. Do think it would jsut be easier to not build one? Use the extra space as storage inside??
Its a great build looks beautiful. :Wow1:

Thanks man!
That is exactly what I did. I skipped on a "galley". I carry 4 large sealed plastic totes back there for cookware, food, and misc "stuff". Here it is opened on a beach in Baja a few days ago!



New member
Here's a GoPro shot of the interior. The little block of wood on the left wall is the mount for the heater. I haven't added AC yet but thinking about how to do it. It is bare bones for sure. We have an iPad mount for under the slide out table and a single USB charger for the Boss Lady's Kindle and that is about it. I added a Ironman awning to it and adding a second for the other side next year.


Hey Nick. Just want to say nice build on your camper. I am currently building one myself very similar in design to yours. I like how you have your LED lights mounted flush to your ceiling. What LED lights are and where can you get them? If you don't mind telling. lol Looking at your photo's on Flicker looks like you have some awesome place to explore. We have nothing like that here in the East. Take care. Kevin


Hey Nick. Just want to say nice build on your camper. I am currently building one myself very similar in design to yours. I like how you have your LED lights mounted flush to your ceiling. What LED lights are and where can you get them? If you don't mind telling. lol Looking at your photo's on Flicker looks like you have some awesome place to explore. We have nothing like that here in the East. Take care. Kevin

Thanks Kevin! I bought them from eBay. They are chinese LED flush mount lights. They have a little snap on cover. I think they were like $10 a piece.

Very much like these


I know this thread has been flat lined for a while now but I was wondering how the galley turned out, how did you make the rear door or did you buy it?


Hey man. Yeah, dimensions are correct. 5x8x 4h. I honestly find it quite roomy. The only problem I ever run into is getting in my jeans. I am a fat *** so it takes some aerobics to get my pants on. LOL BUT... the thing is comfy as heck. My wife packs along like 6 pillows so it's like the Sultans Den in there.

I used 4x8 plywood and laid it cross ways and cut the extra 3ft off. I joined it under the bottom section with a 2x6 and on top with a 2x4. So far so good! I have dragged this thing all over the place.

Feel free to ask any questions you have. You can email me at: if you wish.
By any chance, do you have a pic or 2 of how you did that?

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